Update date 17.02.2025
The department of the development of industrial infrastructure was established in 2011 with the aim of conducting research on the theoretical and methodological foundations, the state and problems and tasks related to the developing the industrial infrastructure of Ukraine’s economy, as well as developing practical recommendations for its modernization to contribute to this country’s sustainable socio-economic development. It included scientists from two departments of the council for the study of productive forces of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine - the department of the development of transport and communication and that of fuel and energy complex.
During 2011-2014, the department was headed by Dr. Boris Piriashvili.
The department is headed by Doctor of Economics Olena Nykyforuk (since 2014).
In October 2022, the department was renamed the department of infrastructure development.
- infrastructure policy and management of infrastructure development
- infrastructure development in post-war Ukraine
- financial instruments for the development of Ukraine’s infrastructure
- public-private partnership and sustainable development of Ukraine's infrastructure systems
- Iryna Bobukh – Dr. Sci (Econom), leading researcher
- Larysa Chmyryova – Ph. D. (Econom), senior researcher
- Iryna Chukayeva – Dr. Sci (Econom), chief researcher
- Olha Faschevska – Ph. D. (Econom), senior researcher
- Natalia Fedyai – Ph. D. (Econom), research officer
- Olena Gerasymova – research officer
- Svitlana Ilchenko – Dr. Sci (Econom), leading researcher
- Natalia Kudrytska – Ph. D. (Econom), senior researcher
- Olha Liashenko (Lyashenko) – Ph. D. (Econom), leading researcher
- Vira Ovchynnikova (Ovchinnikova) – leading economist
- Oleksandr Piriashvili – Ph. D. (Econom), senior researcher
- Iryna Pliukhta – junior researcher
- Olha Stasyuk – Ph. D. (Econom), senior researche
International conferences
- Gender Balance in the Labor Market as a Condition for Sustainable Development (GENDER BALANCE CONFERENCE), March 15, 2024, Kyiv Institute of Business and Technologies, Ukraine
- International Conference Prospects of building the infrastructure capacity on the freight corridors in the EU-Ukraine border area, November 13-14, 2023, Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland
- The XXX International Scientific and Practical Conference Modernity and current problems of society regarding the development of science, July 31 – August 02, 2023, Graz, Austria
- 2nd International Conference on Sustainable, Circular Management and Environmental Engineering (ISCMEE 2022), October 19–20, 2022, İzmir, Turkey
- Challenges and prospects of socio-economic development of railway transport - UKRPROFZT/2021, October 27 - November 2. Kiev, Ukraine
- EU experience in promoting local economic growth in the process of European integration: best practices of eastern partnership countries, 2021, October 21-22. Lviv, Ukraine
- 9th International Scientific Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Environmental Science, 2020
- II International Conference Essays of Mining Science and Practice Determination of some mining parameters of the long wall for the effective use of plough systems in the Western Donbas mines, 2020
Scientific and practical conferences
- Adaptation to global changes and challenges: New forms of economy, resource-efficient technologies, environmental protection, May 18, 2023, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
Monographs, monograph sectıons
- Convergence in the sectors of Ukraine's production infrastructure with the EU, 2024 [in Ukrainian]
- Development of competition in the transport and energy infrastructure sectors of Ukraine, 2023 [in Ukrainian]
- Promoting the European integration processes in the Eastern Partnership countries: national and regional policy instrument, 2022
- Institutional support for the functioning of Ukraine’s production infrastructure, 2021 [in Ukrainian]
- Modernization of the economic policy of the development of spheres of activities and markets. Part 3: Regulatory and personnel policy: problems and opportunities for improvement, 2021 (P.13-71, 99-129) [in Ukrainian]
- Assessment of Ukraine's integration into the European economic space, 2021 (P.364-409) [in Ukrainian]
- Development of the economic and scientific-technological foundations of the transport of the fifth generation, 2020 [in Ukrainian]
- Digital technologies in the innovative transformation of Ukraine’s economy, 2020 (P.176-298) [in Ukrainian]
- The development of infrastructure sectors as a factor in the implementation of the priority directions of Ukraine’s economic policy, 2017 [in Ukrainian]
- Mechanisms of reconstructive economic development and social criteria of their effectiveness, 2017 (P. 96-119) [in Ukrainian]
Research papers, research papers sectıons
- Recovery and reconstruction of the post-war economy in Ukraine, 2022 (P.208–227) [in Ukrainian]
- Development of transport for the purpose of recovery and growth of Ukraine’s economy, 2018 [in Ukrainian]
- Agrarian and rural development for the growth and renewal of Ukraine’s economy, 2018 (P.91-95) [in Ukrainian]
- Implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU: economic challenges and new opportunities, 2016 (P.127-138) [in Ukrainian]
Articles (Scopus)
- Science and Innovation
- Nykyforuk, O. et al. (2024) Investment Attractiveness and Multiplier Effects for the National Economy from the Development of the Titanium Industry
- Nykyforuk, O., et al. (2023) Prospects for the Development of Enterpeneurship: the Role of Universities
- Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance
- Nykyforuk, O., et al. (2021) Transfer pricing documentation: globalization and regional optimization
- The International Journal of Social Quality
- Heyets V., Blyzniuk V., Nykyforuk O. (2022) The Recovery of Ukraine: Social Quality in the Postwar Societal Space
- Nykyforuk O.I., Stasyuk O.M., Chmyryova L.Yu., Fedyai N.O. (2024) Convergent trends in foreign trade in transport services between Ukraine and the EU [in Ukrainian]
- Stasyuk O.M., Chmyryova L.Yu., Fedyai N.O. (2024) Manifestations of economic convergence/divergence in the transport sector between Ukraine and the EU: sigma-convergence [in Ukrainian] - надати вірне посилання!
- Stasyuk O.M., Chmyryova L.Yu., Fedyai N.O. (2024) Manifestations of economic convergence/divergence in the transport sector between Ukraine and the EU: beta convergence [in Ukrainian] - надати вірне посилання!
- Nykyforuk, O., Stasyuk, O., Fedyai, N. (2023). Socio-economic multiplier effects from the implementation of large infrastructure projects for ukrainian economy [in Ukrainian]
- Nykyforuk, O., Kucher, S., Stasyuk, O., Fedyai N. (2023). Multiplicative effects of investing in a socially significant infrastructure project [in Ukrainian]
- Stasyuk, O., Chmyryova, L., Fedyai, N. (2023). Peculiarities of foreign trade in transport services between Ukraine, the EU and other countries [in Ukrainian]
- Stasyuk, O., Chmyryova, L., Fedyai, N. (2022). Conducting regulatory impact analysis in OECD countries: practical experience for Ukraine [in Ukrainian]
- Lyashenko, O., Chukayeva, I. (2022). Assessment of the impact of regulatory decisions on energy security [in Ukrainian]
- Nykyforuk, O., Lyashenko, O. (2021). Approaches to the optimization of the procedures of regulatory impact analysis: world experience and Ukraine’s realities [in Ukrainian]
- Stasyuk, O., Chmyryova L., Fedyai N. (2020-2021). Competitive advantages and disadvantages of the fifth generation transport [in Ukrainian]
- Fedyai, N. (2020). Medium-term prospects of the functioning of Ukrainian seaports [in Ukrainian]
- Chukayeva, I., et al. (2020). Innovative management methods in terms of the information business environment at the enterprise
Medıa publıcatıons
- Gerasimova, O. Corona virus in Ukraine. Weekly digest (13.01-19.01.22) (2022)
- Gerasimova, O. Corona virus in Ukraine. Testing (06.02-12.02.22) (2022)
- Gerasimova, O. Covid in Ukraine. Masking the scale (2022)
- Piriashvili, O. Where are the railway tracks leading our country? (2021)
- Gerasimova, O. The third wave of Covid in the countries of Eastern and Southern Europe (2021)
- Gerasimova, O. COVID19: why there is no trust in Ukrainian statistics (2021)
- Gerasimova, O. Covid-19: why the forecasts are bad (2021)
Analytical notes
In 2024, the department independently and in cooperation with other departments of the Institute prepared a total of 12 scientific and analytical and information and analytical notes and other materials, examples
- Investment project to solve the problems of “narrow logistics” “Purchase by Ukrzaliznytsia of domestic wagons”
- On additional measures to ensure the stability of territorial communities in a special period
- Materials on measures necessary in the current conditions for the economic recovery of Ukraine, the reconstruction of deoccupied territories, the elimination of the consequences of military actions and the destruction of critical infrastructure facilities
- Development of titanium metal production in Ukraine and prospects for integration into global value chains
- Development of bioethanol production and the effects of increasing its production in Ukraine
Cooperatıon wıth state authorıtıes (within the Institute's agreements)
- Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Science, Education and Innovation
- Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
- Ministry of Energy of Ukraine
- State Regulatory Service of Ukraine
Editorial cooperation
- Olena Nykyforuk – editor in chief Herald of Kiev Institute of Business and Technology, member of the editorial board Economy of Ukraine
- Olha Stasyuk – member of the editorial board European Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems
Participation in working groups
- at state administration on the Preparation of Ukraine’s Negotiating Positions during Negotiations with the European Union on the Conclusion of the Agreement on Ukraine’s Accession to the European Union
- Olena Nykyforuk – on Transport Issues
- Natalia Fedyai – on Trans-European Networks Issues
- Olha Liashenko – on the Review of State Budget Expenditures in the Fuel and Energy Complex in Part of Expenditures on the Coal Industry
- 26, Panasa Myrnoho str., Kyiv, 01011
- +38(044) 280-26-62
- elena.nikiforuk@gmail.com