The development of infrastructure sectors
Nykyforuk, O.I. (Ed.). (2017). The development of infrastructure sectors as a factor in the implementation of priority directions of economic policy of Ukraine. NAS of Ukraine, SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine". Kyiv [in Ukrainian]
ISBN 978-966-02-8370-1 (electronic edition)
The collective monograph analyzes in detail the main tasks, directions and priorities for the development of infrastructure (namely transport and energy) sectors of Ukraine’s economy. Particular attention is focused on a detailed analysis of the challenges facing the production infrastructure sectors after the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU, the main of which are liberalization, institutional changes, modernization and integration of infrastructure sectors. A number of issues related to the improvement of strategic management, increased competitiveness and successful reform of the transport sector (railway, road, water and port subsectors) are investigated in the context of signing the Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine. For the energy sector (electricity, gas supply, supply of hydrocarbons and coal industries), such key aspects are the following: ensuring energy security, which should be considered as collective energy security based on the balance between the interests of Ukraine and EU countries, and the assessment of investment attractiveness of state enterprises in the energy sector. A review is made on the European experience as to overcoming the lack of investment for development and innovative renewal of production infrastructure. The monograph provides an analysis and identifies advantages and shortcomings of the main forms of public-private partnership as the principal tool for investment support of Ukraine’s transport. Proposals have been developed to improve the economic mechanism of investment management.
For scientists, employees of state governing bodies and interested practitioners.