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Privacy policy

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Last updated 10.07.2024

1. General provisions

1.1. This Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) regulates legal relations between the administration of the Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the Administration), which manages the website at (hereinafter referred to as the Site) ), and a natural person (hereinafter - User) as a subject of personal data (hereinafter - SPD), who provides his personal data (hereinafter - PD) for posting on the Site.

1.2. The Administration treats with great respect the confidential (personal) information of all persons without exception who visit the Site, as well as those who use the services provided by the Site; in this regard, the Administration strives to protect the confidentiality of PD, thereby creating and providing the most comfortable conditions for using the Site's services for any and every User.

1.3. In order to implement the above, the Administration offers the relevant Privacy Policy (a detailed description of how the process of processing your personal data occurs when using the Site’s services, as well as when visiting the Site at This Policy is based on the following principles of data processing: legality, compatibility, adequacy, non-redundancy, accuracy, term of storage, compliance with the rights of an individual, security, and cross-border security.

1.4. If you have any questions about privacy and personal data, please contact the Administration using the contacts indicated below.

2. Collection and use of personal data

2.1. When the User uses the Site’s services, the Administration collects and processes the User's data, namely:

2.2. The administration processes only those personal data (for example, name and surname, login and access password, e-mail address, contact phone number, etc.) that are knowingly and voluntarily provided in writing by the SPD for the processing of his personal data to use desired services provided by the Site.

2.3. When visiting the Site, all logins to the User’s account (if available) and his actions when modifying the content of pages are recorded within the limits necessary for the functioning of the Service. Other information about the User's traffic is not processed or stored.

2.4. The Administration is limited to the collection of the minimum amount of information that is necessary exclusively to fulfill the SPD request. In each case where optional information is requested, SPD will be notified at the time such information is collected.

2.5. We do not collect any information for whose collection certain requirements are established by the law, such as: information about racial or ethnic origin, political, religious or ideological beliefs, membership in political parties and trade unions, criminal convictions or punishments, and data related to health or sexual life (as required by Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data").

2.6. The Administration also collects data on the Site’s visit statistics. Such information may contain data about the connection, traffic, the User's browser, as well as about the date, time, duration of work on the Internet and stay on the Site.

3. Processing personal data

3.1. The processing and storage of the provided PD is carried out in data centers where the equipment used for performing the Site’s services is located.

3.2. PD are used to ensure the provision of Internet services on the Site, exchange of information/news, relations in the field of advertising and communication in accordance with and for the implementation of the following Laws of Ukraine (not exclusively): "On the Protection of Personal Data", "On the Ratification of the Convention on the Protection of Individuals in Connection with the Automated Processing of Personal Data and the Additional Protocol to the Convention on the Protection of Individuals in Connection with the Automated Processing of Personal Data in Relation to Supervisory Bodies and Cross-Border Data Flows", "About Information", "About Advertising", "About Telecommunications", "On Data Protection in Information and Telecommunication Systems", ND TZI 2.5-010-03 "Requirements for the Protection of WEB-page Information from Unauthorized Access", as well as the Statute of the Institute for Economic Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and regulatory and other local acts that regulate our activities.

4. PD storage period

4.1. PD are stored for no longer time than is necessary in accordance with the purpose of their processing, which is determined by the Regulation on the Processing of PD approved by the Institute's management.

4.2. After the SPD has ceased to be the Institute’s employee, the Administration deletes his account on the Site, while the User's personal data are also automatically deleted.

5. The Site’s interaction with other resources

5.1. When the User uses the services on the Site’s pages, the codes of other Internet resources and third parties may be available, as a result of which such Internet resources and third parties receive the User’s data. Therefore, these Internet resources can receive and process information indicating that the User has visited these pages, as well as other information transmitted by the User's browser. Such Internet resources may include:

5.2. On some sites, Google Analytics and rating codes may be installed, which receive and process information exclusively about the fact that you the User has visited the page and other information transmitted by the User’s browser.

5.3. We need the use of these services for the operational analysis of the Site’s visits, internal and external evaluation of the Site’s visits, depth of views, and the Users’ activities. We do not store or process any data received from these services.

5.4. Accordingly, if the User for some reason does not want these services to access his personal data, he can at his own will log out of his account, and/or clear cookies (through his browser).

5.5. In the case of the User's consent, one way or another, the Administration recommends that you always familiarize yourself with the Privacy Policy and/or the procedure for the collection and use of individual personal data by the above specified or similar services in order to avoid misunderstandings or prevent the violation of the SPD’s rights, since we are not responsible for the collection/processing/ use of personal data by the above specified or similar services.

5.6. The Privacy Policy of Google Analytics is set out on the page

5.7. The Privacy Policy of is set out on the page

6. Rules for using cookies and log files

6.1. Cookies are small text files in which the browser can record data received from the server. When you go to a page on the Site, the server can read the information contained in cookies. In particular, cookies can be used to store information about registration on the Site or on certain its areas, so that the User does not need to re-enter them during subsequent visits to such a Site or its area. Cookies used on the Site are related to the User’s PD.

6.2. At the same time, cookies make it possible to make the User's use of the Site services safe (for example, with the help of the login confirmation function, the Administration can block and request additional information from the User who tries to log into his account using a web browser that the User has not used before).

6.3. In addition, cookies allow monitoring of violations of the Privacy Policy and the Site Usage Policy by Users or devices. Cookies help the Administration to estimate the number and frequency of requests, as well as to identify and block those users or devices that try to perform batch downloads of information using the Site.

6.4. In some cases, for the provision of certain products and services, the Administration communicates with service providers who may be our partners. The latter, in turn, can also use cookies to personalize the users’ activities regarding the respective partner applications; or, in advertising, cookies can be used by the partner to register the fact of the display of advertising and the User's reaction.

6.5. At the same time, we do not use cookies to collect information about the User's activities on other sites for the purpose of displaying advertisements. However, we may use anonymous (depersonalized) or aggregated data to improve the quality of advertising in general, as well as for the purpose of research, and development or testing of the Site’s new and existing services.

6.6. Today, the use of cookies is a standard procedure for most sites. However, if you are uncomfortable using cookies, most browsers allow users to refuse their use. If you do so on, the Site’s registration function will be unavailable to you, and some other functions of the Site may work with violations. After completing the visit to the Site, you can always delete cookies, if you wish.

6.7. Log files are intended to properly manage the Site. Using log files, the Administration can identify categories of users by parameters such as domains and browser types. These statistical data in their totality are transferred to the web specialists of the Administration. This is done in order to make the use of the Site pleasant for users, as well as for the Site to be an effective information resource.

7. Interaction of the Administration with third parties regarding PD

7.1. The Administration does not transfer PD to third parties, except when such transfer is required by law, at the request of the SPD or in other cases set forth in this section. We understand that personal information is valuable and is an integral part of the personal non-property rights of any individual, therefore we take all possible measures to protect the Users’ personal information that they voluntarily and knowingly provide to the Administration.

7.2. The Site may contain links to other sites (exclusively for informational purposes), which may not use and/or comply with the Administration's Privacy Policy in their activities.

7.3. Please note: if you move to other sites, the Administration's Privacy Policy will not apply to such sites. In this regard, the Administration recommends reviewing the privacy policy of each site before submitting any personally identifiable information.

8. Confidentiality of SPD activities on the Site

8.1. Information about the Users’ activities (traffic) on the Site passing through our network is protected in accordance with the law. That is, the Administration does not in any way violate the secret of the User's activities when the latter uses the Site, which is regulated by the relevant local rules.

9. PD protection

9.1. The Administration uses generally accepted standards of technological and operational protection of information and PD against loss, misuse, alteration or destruction. However, despite all efforts, we cannot guarantee absolute security against any threats arising outside of the Administration’s treatment of the Users’ PD.

9.2. The administration ensures the application of all relevant confidentiality obligations, as well as technical and organizational security measures to prevent unauthorized or illegal disclosure or processing of such information and the Users’ PD, their accidental loss, destruction or damage.

9.3. We provide access to information and PD only to authorized employees who have agreed to ensure the confidentiality of such information and data in accordance with local rules.

10. Terms of access to PD

10.1. The procedure for accessing third-party PD is determined by the terms of the SPD’s consent given by the personal data owners for the processing of this data in accordance with the requirements of the law.

10.2. SPD has the right to receive any information about himself from any PD related entity, subject to the provision of information in accordance with the law.

10.3. Postponement of SPD’s access to his PDs is not allowed.

10.4. Accor ding to the legislation of Ukraine, PD can be transferred to law enforcement and judicial agencies and other institutions for the purpose of protecting the foundations of the constitutional order, morality, health, rights and legitimate interests of other persons, ensuring the defense of the country and the security of the state.

11. SPD’s rights

11.1. The Administration reminds Users of their rights as SPDs, which are regulated by the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data" No. 2297-VI, namely:

11.2. The body in the field of PD protection is the Human Rights Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (ombudsman), who is empowered to monitor compliance with the requirements of Ukrainian legislation in the field of PD protection. All necessary information is presented in the "Personal data protection" section on the official website of the Verkhovna Rada Ombudsman for Human Rights

11.3. The responsible person who organizes the work related to the processing of SPD’s PD is the Head of the Personnel Department at the Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

11.4. If you want to update your personal data that you have provided to the Administration, or have any comments, wishes or complaints regarding your personal data that we store or use, please contact us, the person responsible for the processing of personal data of the Institute at the e-mail address shtabalskr@gmail. com

12. Amendments

12.1. Appropriate amendments may be made to the Current Privacy Policy. At the same time, SPD's rights mentioned in this Privacy Policy as amended on the relevant date are not subject to change without his consent.

12.2. Any changes to the Privacy Policy are published on the Site. To avoid any misunderstandings regarding the awareness of the changes made, we strongly recommend that you regularly refer to this Privacy Policy.

We wish you a pleasant and useful time on our resource!

Contacts of the Administration - or at the address: str. 26 Panasa Myrnoho St., Kyiv, 01011, Ukraine.