Economic prospects of entrepreneurship:
challenges of wartime and post-war reconstruction More detail


International historical experience of post-war economic reconstruction:
lessons for Ukraine More detail


Processes of convergence of Eastern European countries with the EU within the framework of the Eastern Partnership
Integration processes of Ukraine and the EU More detail


International economic and political relationships under COVID-19:
experience of China and Ukraine More detail
Problems and prospects of ensuring the stability of Ukraine’s financial system:
external and internal aspects More detail2019

The financial and economic potential of successful cooperation between Ukraine and China
in the context of "One Belt, One Road Initiative" More detail
Socio-class transformations and the formation of a new quality of education
as components of the reconstructive development of Ukraine’s economy More detail2018

The role of economic science in social development: To the 100th anniversary of ...
To the 100th anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine More detail