Geoeconomics of the international monetary order:
Geoeconomics of the international monetary order: money and power in the 21st century : collection of scientific papers of the international conference (7-8 of June 2023) / SO “Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”. – Кyiv, 2023. – 95 p.
ISBN 978-616-95338-1-8 (e-edition)
The collection contains abstracts of the speeches of the participants of the international conference on the topic “Geoeconomics of the international monetary order: money and power in the 21st century”, which took place on June 7-8, 2023, organized by the Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Anahuac Puebla University – Economics and Business School ( Mexico). In the reports of scientists from Mexico, Italy, New Zealand, the USA, Great Britain, Ukraine and other countries, detailed assessments of the future world currency market are presented, attention is focused on the place of the dollar as the world’s leading currency; outlines the place of China, and its new digital currency, the value of bitcoin for national power; the role of China in the new international monetary order is revealed; the geo-economic imperatives and asymmetries of the development of the world economy today, the role of Ukraine and its monetary and credit policy during the war are substantiated. The collection of scientific works will be useful for experts, scientists, teachers and students, as well as all those interested in solving modern problems of social development.