Scientific degree – PhD in Economics
- Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction of Ukraine (2009)
- Certificate of Honor of the Council for the Research of Productive Forces of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2006)
The main place of work – State Organization "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine"
Position – senior researcher of infrastructure development department
Directions of research activity
- theoretical and methodological principles and applied problems regarding the development of transport logistics in the country
- functioning and development of the railway transport infrastructure of the country's economy
- productivity of railway transport (effectiveness of functioning) in the country
Main scientific interests
- strategizing, strategic management and strategic planning of the development of transport logistics in the country and subjects of economic activity in railway transport
- investment and innovation activities of subjects of economic activity in the railway transport sector of the national economy
- dynamic structural changes in the development of the service sector of the national economy based on international comparisons of the indicators of the "Input-Output" tables
- sources of financing capital investments in the development of railway transport infrastructure of the country's economy
- regional problems, factors of activation and development of investment activity in the national economy, as well as in the railway transport infrastructure sector
- theoretical, methodical and applied problems of marketing activity and strategic marketing at enterprises and organizations in the railway transport infrastructure sector of the country's economy
- theoretical and methodological principles, applied problems in the field of strategic management and strategic planning of the development and functioning of regional economic systems (country, region, city)
- Directions of Deepening the Convergence Processes of the Rail Transport Productivity of Ukraine with the EU [in Ukrainian]. 2024
- Investments in the Innovative Development of Railway Transport of Ukraine [in Ukrainian]. 2024
- Theoretical and Methodological Principles of the Research of Convergence Processes of Rail Transport Productivity in Ukraine with the EU [in Ukrainian]. 2023
- Certain Aspects of the Systematization of Indicators Regarding the Convergence of Rail Transport Productivity in Ukraine with the EU [in Ukrainian]. 2023
- Institutional Aspects of Support the Convergence Processes of Railways Productivity of Ukraine with the EU [in Ukrainian]. 2023
- Indicators for the analysis of the state of convergence of railway transport productivity of Ukraine with the EU. 2023 [in Ukrainian]
- The main directions of investment policy in railway transport of Ukraine [in Ukrainian]. 2022
- Features of Rail Transport Productivity in Ukraine at the Current Stage of Development [in Ukrainian]. 2022
- Investment mechanisms in the railway transport under the conditions of post-war recovery [in Ukrainian]. 2022
- Approaches to evaluating the investment attractiveness of railway transport [in Ukrainian]. 2021
- Institutional support for the functioning of Ukraine’s production infrastructure (P.87–119). 2021
- Institutionalization of investment support for the competitiveness of railway transport [in Ukrainian]. 2021
Medıa publıcatıons
- Where do Ukraine’s Railway Tracks Lead?, Mirror of the Week. 2021
Personal pages
Foreign languages skills
- english (B1)
- russian (C2)
- +38(068) 896-30-84
- +38(050) 290-20-41