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Oleksandr Piriashvili

Oleksandr Piriashvili

Scientific degree – PhD in Economics


  • Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction of Ukraine (2009)
  • Certificate of Honor of the Council for the Research of Productive Forces of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2006)

The main place of work – State Organization "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine"

Position – senior researcher of infrastructure development department

Directions of research activity

  • theoretical and methodological principles and applied problems regarding the development of transport logistics in the country
  • functioning and development of the railway transport infrastructure of the country's economy
  • productivity of railway transport (effectiveness of functioning) in the country

Main scientific interests

  • strategizing, strategic management and strategic planning of the development of transport logistics in the country and subjects of economic activity in railway transport
  • investment and innovation activities of subjects of economic activity in the railway transport sector of the national economy
  • dynamic structural changes in the development of the service sector of the national economy based on international comparisons of the indicators of the "Input-Output" tables
  • sources of financing capital investments in the development of railway transport infrastructure of the country's economy
  • regional problems, factors of activation and development of investment activity in the national economy, as well as in the railway transport infrastructure sector
  • theoretical, methodical and applied problems of marketing activity and strategic marketing at enterprises and organizations in the railway transport infrastructure sector of the country's economy
  • theoretical and methodological principles, applied problems in the field of strategic management and strategic planning of the development and functioning of regional economic systems (country, region, city)


Medıa publıcatıons

Personal pages

Foreign languages skills

  • english (B1)
  • russian (C2)


  • +38(068) 896-30-84
  • +38(050) 290-20-41