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Institutional support for the functioning of Ukraine’s production infrastructure

Nykyforuk, O.I. (Ed.). (2021). Institutional support for the functioning of Ukraine’s production infrastructure. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine". Kyiv [in Ukrainian]

ISBN 978-966-02-9694-7 (electronic edition)

The monograph substantiates various methodological and practical approaches to the study of institutional support for the functioning and development of Ukraine’s production infrastructure. An assessment is given of the state and problems of institutional support for the functioning of production infrastructure to ensure sustainable economic development in the context of integration. The substantiate the priorities in the institutional support for the functioning of production infrastructure sectors, namely: transport and communication, energy supply sectors and electricity supply as a factor of stable development of the economy and improvement of its efficiency.

For scientists, employees of state management bodies and interested practitioners.