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Mechanisms of reconstructive economic development and social criteria of ...

Mechanisms of reconstructive economic development and social criteria of their effectiveness. Monographic collection (2017). National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine". Кyiv [in Ukrainian]

ISBN 978-966-02-8418-0 (e-edition)

The articles in the monographic collection reveal the content of the general and local mechanisms in the reconstructive type of economic development, and investigate various peculiarities in the relationship between economic efficiency and social justice. The authors propose a new conceptual approach to the formation of development programs, whose core is the general algorithm of the mechanism of reconstructive development of the economy, which links the formation of demand and supply into a single process coordinated with monetary and fiscal policy and serves a basis of the specification of local mechanisms of socio-economic development in in separate areas and at different levels, in particular regarding the combination of agrarian and rural development, solving the problems of feeding the population, and financing the development of the transport industry and infrastructure. On the basis of the study on the historical conditioning of Ukraine’s experience of economic reforms as a way of changing development mechanisms, the authors clarify their modernizing role and limited nature. The conditions for successful implementation of modernization projects are formulated, which consist in the transition from cosmopolitan universalism to the evolutionary-institutional interpretation of economic development and the implementation of reforms based on own national traditions, taking into account the domestic historical experience and the internal reconstructive potential of society. Revealed various peculiarities of the ratio of equality and inequality in ensuring justice as a social criterion for the implementation of the tasks of reconstructive development.

The monographic collection will be useful both to specialists in the field of economics, politics and law, and to a wide range of readers who are interested in developmental socio-economic and institutional problems.