Scientific degree – PhD in Economics
Scientific title – senior researcher
The main place of work – State Organization "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine"
Position – senior researcher of infrastructure development department
Directions of research activity
- functioning of transport of Ukraine in modern conditions
- development of economic and mathematical models for evaluating its efficiency
Main scientific interests
- transport economy
- Development of competition in the transport and energy infrastructure sectors of Ukraine (P.) [in Ukrainian]. 2023
- State regulation of air transport convergence processes from Ukraine to the EU [in Ukrainian]. 2023
- Actual problems of practice and science and methods of their solution (P.169–171). 2022
- Convergence processes in the field of air transport in Ukraine [in Ukrainian]. 2022
- Methodological approaches to the formation of tariffs on maritime transport [in Ukrainian]. 2022
- Current global trends in the development of the economy, accounting, finance and law (P.15–17) [in Ukrainian]. 2022
- Promoting the European integration processes in the Eastern Partnership countries: national and regional policy instruments. 2022
- Institutional support for the functioning of Ukraine’s production infrastructure (P.) [in Ukrainian]. 2021
- Modeling of assessing the competitiveness of seaports of Ukraine using the Harington function [in Ukrainian]. 2021
- Assessment of Ukraine's integration into the European economic space (P.389-402, 482-483) [in Ukrainian]. 2021
- Marine infrastructure of Ukraine in the rating of the world countries: current state and prospects (P.54-60) [in Ukrainian]. 2020
Personal pages
Foreign languages skills
- english with dictionary
Personal interests
- theater
- cinema
- art
- +38(098) 079-34-63