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Development of competition in the transport and energy infrastructure sectors of Ukraine

Nykyforuk, O.I. (Ed.). (2023). Development of competition in the transport and energy infrastructure sectors of Ukraine. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, SО “Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine" [in Ukrainian] 

ISBN 978-617-14-0174-7  (electronic edition)

The monograph substantiates the development of methodological principles and provides proposals for assessing the development of competitive environment in the transport and energy infrastructure sectors on the national service market. The authors provide an assessment of the impact of globalization and liberalization on the development of the competitive environment in infrastructure sectors and the effectiveness of their functioning. The experience of the EU regarding the development of a competitive environment in the transport and energy infrastructure sectors is disclosed and summarized; the impact of reforming the ownership institution in the transport and energy infrastructure sectors on the development of the competitive environment is assessed; and the ratio of competition and monopolization in the transport and energy infrastructure sectors on the national service market is evaluated.

The monograph assesses the consequences of state regulation for the development of competitive environment in the transport and energy infrastructure sectors, and a series of proposals are set forward regarding the ways to optimize state regulation in these sectors.

For scientists, employees of state management bodies and interested practitioners.