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Agrarian and rural development for the growth and renewal of the Ukrainian economy

Borodina O.M. (Ed.). (2018). Agrarian and rural development for the growth and renewal of the Ukrainian economy. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, SO “Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine". Kyiv. [in Ukrainian] 

ISBN 978-966-02-8499-9

The paper describes the macroeconomic goals, tasks and challenges of modern agro-food development, emphasizes the need to restore the interdependence of agrarian and rural development as a necessary condition for long-term sustainable growth in the agricultural sector and improving the quality of life in the countryside.

The paper considers the prospects for increasing agricultural production and strengthening the role of the agrarian sector in Ukraine’s economy. The key factors of the sector’s growth and its positive macroeconomic impact have been studied, namely: adequate financial, and natural resources (in particular, land), personnel and scientific support, as well as access to agro-innovations, and domestic and foreign agro-food markets and relevant infrastructure. Proposed various components of the state policy to counter the existing challenges and threats in the above mentioned areas.

The authors reveal the directions and mechanisms of changes in the rural society, rural economy and living environment necessary to ensure the growth and renewal of the national economy. Among the driving forces of these changes are socialization of land relations, capitalization of human resources, ruralization of local government, and self-development of rural communities. In the renewal of rural economy, special attention is paid to the diversification of people’s economic activities and organizational and financial support of family farming, and in the modernization of the living environment – to social and environmental responsibility of agribusiness and increasing the availability of basic services, among which access to high-power telecommunications is becoming more and more important.