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Development of the economic and scientific and techolognical foundations of fifth generation transport

Heyets, V.M., Voloshyn, O.I., Dzenzerskyi, V.O., Nykyforuk, O.I. (2020). Development of the economic and scientific and techolognical foundations of fifth generation transport. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine". Kyiv.  [in Ukrainian]

ISBN 978-966-02-9340-3 (electronic edition)

The monograph summarizes the main modern global trends in the development of transport of the latest generation and offers a definition of the concept of "transport of the fifth generation" based on the provision of high speeds, environmental friendliness, energy saving or an innovative approach to construction (examples of which include high-speed highways, Maglev and Hyperloop, electric cars and drones). Various possible directions for the introduction of Hyperloop transport in Ukraine are substantiated based on the evaluation of the world experience of financing projects for the implementation of the fifth generation transport.

From a scientific-technological point of view, the main components of traction-levitation systems and magnetic suspension for creating vacuumed high-speed ground transport (VHSGT) of the Hyperloop type are analyzed. The systems for ensuring and controlling the tightness of the evacuated VHSGT are considered, and an assessment of aerodynamic and thermal loads on the body of the vacuumed VHSGT is carried out. Recommendations are offered for further fundamental and applied scientific development and research, as well as for R&D efforts on experimental designs for Hyperloop high-speed ground transport in Ukraine.