Update date 1.08.2024
The establishment of the department in 2004 is connected with the formation of a new direction of scientific research - community-based rural development, which acquires special applied significance in the context of the modern reform of local self-government and territorial organization of power in Ukraine, the formation and formation of new territorial communities.
Since its inception, the department has been headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine O.M. Borodina
Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine O.M. Onyshchenko (until 2006), Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine V.V. Yurchyshyn (until 2017) worked in the department.
- spatially organized inclusive development of agriculture and rural areas
- socio-economic potential of rural communities in global, national, and local economies
- monitoring socio-economic-ecological changes and prospects in agriculture, rural society and institutional environment in the global agro-food systems
- local rural development of territorial communities
- Kateryna Fedorova – leading engineer
- Oleksiy Fraier – Ph. D. (Econom), research officer
- Mykhailo Ksenofontov - Ph. D. (Econom), senior researcher
- Oksana Mykhaylenko – Ph. D. (Econom), senior researcher
- Ihor Prokopa – Dr. Sci (Econom), chief researcher
- Oksana Rykovska – Ph. D. (Econom), senior researcher
- Viktor Yarovyi – Ph. D. (Econom), leading researcher
Employees of the department participated in more than 400 events (conferences, forums, symposia, webinars, seminars, round table meetings, etc.), including international ones - more than 200
International conferences
- Inclusive rural development: empirical evidence from Central and Eastern Europe, 2021, 12 November
- Towards the UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas, 27.03.2018
Round tables
- Post-war recovery and development of farming in Ukraine: proposals of small agricultural producers, 2022 [in Ukrainian]
- Inclusive rural development: empirical evidence from Central and Eastern Europe, 2021
- Public monitoring of institutional support of the World Bank Program in Ukraine "Acceleration of private investments in agriculture" 25.07.2019 [in Ukrainian]
- Community-based rural development: challenges and opportunities in the context of self-government reform, 22.03.2016 [in Ukrainian]
Forums, symposia, public hearings
- Small producers at the helm of food security: The UN Declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas, 2023 [in Ukrainian]
- Peasant and farm households during the war and in the period of post-war reconstruction of Ukraine: political dialogue. 15-16.11.2022 [in Ukrainian]
- Towards Peasant's Rights to Land in Ukraine through responsible management of land tenure and land use system in Ukraine, 26.11.2019 [in Ukrainian]
- Socioeconomic modernization of agriculture is a market of ideas for Ukraine, 2017 [in Ukrainian]
- The Ukrainian village and peasantry in conditions of holding: will European principles of rural development be introduced in Ukraine?, 2015 [in Ukrainian]
Seminars, workshops
Public interests in land management and land use: current European trends within the framework 07.06.2024
During the last 7 years, 85 chapters were published in 12 collective monographs, of which 5 monographs were edited by the head. department of Borodina O.M. and more than 250 scientific articles
Monographs, monograph sectıons
- Borodina, O. Spatial justice in land use and sustainable rural development: in 2 volumes/ Volume 2: Guaranteeing the basic rights of peasants and spatial justice in the conditions of the liberalization of the land market in Ukraine, 2022 [in Ukrainian]
- Borodina, O. Spatial justice in land use and sustainable rural development: in 2 volumes. Volume 1: Equity in access to land resources and benefits from their use in rural areas, 2021 [in Ukrainian]
- Borodina, O. Modernization of the economic policy of the development of spheres of activity and markets: in 4 parts. Part 1: Agrarian policy for peasant farms and their associations: world experience for Ukraine, 2021 [in Ukrainian]
- Borodina, O. (2020). Inclusive rural development in Ukraine [in Ukrainian]
- Implementation of European principles of rural development in Ukraine, 2018 [in Ukrainian]
- 20 years of activity of the Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences, 2018 (P. 215-238, 377-390) [in Ukrainian]
- Socio-economic development of agriculture and villages: modern dimension, 2018 [in Ukrainian]
- Theory, policy and practice of rural development, 2010 [in Ukrainian]
Research papers, research papers sectıons
- Restoration and reconstruction of Ukraine’s post-war economy, 2022 (P. 98-114) [in Ukrainian]
- CSA – Community supported agriculture, 2020 [in Ukrainian]
- Agrarian and rural development for the growth and renewal of the Ukrainian economy, 2018 (P. 20-25, 95-135) [in Ukrainian]
- Implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU: economic challenges and new opportunities, 2016 (P.115-124) [in Ukrainian]
- Development of budget decentralization in Ukraine, 2016 (P.25-35) [in Ukrainian]
- Community-based rural development policy in Ukraine, 2015 [in Ukrainian]
- The Ukrainian model of agrarian development and its socioeconomic reorientation, 2012 [in Ukrainian]
Articles (Scopus)
- Ekonomika APK
- Borodina, O., Prokopa, I., Rykovska, О. (2024). Strengthening the role of local agri-food systems in overcoming the consequences of using food as a weapon in Ukraine
- Rykovska, О. (2022). State support for the agricultural sector in the context of inclusive rural development
- Rykovska, О. (2021). Corruption risks in the sphere of land relations and directions of their minimization
- Borodina, O., Prokopa, I. (2021). Public interests and human rights under the agricultural land market turnover: an experience for Ukraine
- Studies in Agricultural Economics
- Prokopa, I., Rykovska О., Mykhailenko O., Fraier O. (2024). The agriculture of Ukraine amidst war and agroecology as a driver of post-war reconstruction
- Sustainability
- Cybernetics and Systems Analysis
- Borodina O.M., Kyryziuk S.V., Fraier O.V., et al. (2020) Mathematical Modeling of Agricultural Crop Diversification in Ukraine: Scientific Approaches and Empirical Results
- Energies
- Borodina O., Kyryzyuk S., et al. (2020). Crop Residue Removal: Assessment of Future Bioenergy Generation Potential and Agro-Environmental Limitations Based on a Case Study of Ukraine
- EuroChoices
- Borodina O.M. et al. (2017) Is it possible to utilize the agricultural potential of Ukraine under the current agrarian system?
- Borodina, O., Prokopa, I. (2023). Socio-economic component of agriculture and rural development on the basis of agroecology: scientific and applied aspects [in Ukrainian]
- Borodina, О., et. al. (2022). Ensuring human rights in land legal relations: socioeconomic and legal foundations [in Ukrainian]
- Prokopa, I. (2022). Rural component of territorial communities in the contex of their inclusive development [in Ukrainian]
- Borodina, O., Rykovska О., Yarovyi, V., Mykhaylenko, О., Fraier, O. et al. (2022). Estimation of Ukraine’s losses from the military aggression of the Russian Federation: a macroeconomic dimension [in Ukrainian]
- Borodina, O. (2022). Military threats to global food security and first international reactions to overcome their consequences: political economy section [in Ukrainian]
- Borodina, O. (2021). Egalitarian and market land reforms in the context of basic human rights and public welfare [in Ukrainian]
- Borodina, O., Prokopa I., Fraier О. (2021). The assessment of rural communities’ inclusiveness within territorial communities: the case of Lokachynska TC [in Ukrainian]
Medıa publıcatıons
- Borodina О. (2022). Rolnictwo Ukrainy w czasie wojny i okresie powojennej odbudowy
- Yarovyi V. (2022). The role of small farmers in providing food in Ukraine, and current problems of farming support
- Borodina О. (2022). Small farmers are the backbone of food security during war and must be supported after victory
- Yarovyi V. (2021). Land use for better production, better nutrition, better environment and better life
- Rykovska О. (2021). Interview Prospects of sustainable development of rural areas Перспективи сталого розвитку сільських територій
- Rykovska О. (2018). About the UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas
Cooperatıon wıth state authorıtıes (within the Institute's agreements)
- Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on issues of agrarian policy and land relations
- Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Social Policy and Protection of the Rights of Veterans
- Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine
- Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine
- Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
- The Accounting Chamber
- Report on the research work "Inclusive rural development in Ukraine"
- Report of the scientific project "Spatial justice in land use for the sustainable development of rural areas" (Stage II – Formation of an institutional environment for the sustainable development of rural areas based on the principles of spatial justice and the protection of peasants' rights to land)
- Report on the research work "Spatial justice in land use for the sustainable development of rural areas"
- 26, Panasa Myrnoho str., Kyiv, 01011
- +38(044) 280-04-17
- olena.borodina@gmail.com