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Oleksii Fraier

Oleksii Fraier

Scientific degree – PhD in Economics

The main place of work – State Organization "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine"

Position – research fellow of the department of economy and policy of agrarian transformations

Directions of research activity

  • sustainable agricultural and rural development in wartime and post-war reconstruction
  • problems of land use in agriculture in the context of increasing agricultural production
  • transition of Ukrainian agriculture to the agro ecology principles
  • adapting the agri-food system of Ukraine to the current challenges

Main scientific interests

  • studying the processes of sustainable and inclusive development in agriculture, in particular, the search for rational approaches that have a multiplier effect, while simultaneously affecting economic, social and environmental development factors


Personal pages

Foreign languages skills

  • english

Personal interests

  • travel
  • sports
  • classical music
  • literature
  • movies


  • +38(067) 170-21-52