Theory, policy and practice of rural development
Borodina, O.M., Prokopa, I.V. (Eds.). (2010). Theory, policy and practice of rural development. NAS of Ukraine, Institute for Economics and Forecasting. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
ISBN 987–966–02–5609–5
Theoretical and methodological foundations, historical prerequisites, essential characteristics and institutional foundations of rural development in Ukraine are investigated, the ways of forming its domestic policy are outlined. The methodology of point assessment of the human capital of the village and methodological approaches to its activation is proposed. The main directions of strengthening the economic potential of rural development are revealed. The differentiation of rural development conditions at the level of administrative areas was investigated and the typologization of rural areas of this level was carried out by a number of grounds. The possibility of using the experience of EU rural development policy in Ukraine is determined.
The book is addressed to scientists scientists, specialists of agro-food production and regional development, employees of public administration and local self-government, teachers, graduate students and students of universities of humanitarian profile.