Scientific degree – PhD in Economics
Scientific title – senior researcher
The main place of work – State Organization "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine"
Position – senior researcher of the department of economy and policy of agrarian transformations
Directions of research activity
- agro-ecological transformation of agrarian and rural development
- transforming agri-food systems on the basis of sustainability
Main scientific interests
- management of sustainable development of rural areas
- Social and economic peculiarities of agro-ecological transformation of agri-food systems. (P. 211-217). 2024. [in Ukrainian]
- Ksenofontov M., Institutional framework for the reconstructive development of rural areas under martial law (Р.382-390). 2024
- Development of the Agrarian Sector and Rural Territories in the Conditions of Martial Law and Post-War Recovery (P.159–172) [in Ukrainian]. 2023
- Strategical development of agri-food corporations in the competitive economic space of Ukraine. 2022
- Mainways of public-private partnership development in agro-industrial production and rural areas of Ukraine [in Ukrainian]. 2022
- Advisory support for organizational components of production management and bioethanol use [in Ukrainian]. 2020
- Rural Territories as an Object of Management in the Context of their Legislative Interpretation [in Ukrainian]. 2019
- Areas of advisory support for the use of the public-private partnership mechanism in improving the effectiveness of environmental logistics [in Ukrainian]. 2019
- Scientific foundations and strategic priorities of sustainable development of rural territories of Ukraine [in Ukrainian]. 2019
- Perspective forms of organization of economic activity in the countryside [in Ukrainian]. 2019
- Development of forms of management in agriculture: problems and solutions: scientific report [in Ukrainian]. 2018
- Handbook of the Economist of the Agricultural Enterprise (Р.207–243) [in Ukrainian]. 2018
Personal pages
Foreign languages skills
- english
- russian
Personal interests
- management of sustainable development of rural areas
- +38(044) 254 39 66