Update date 11.01.2024
Research on innovative and scientific-technological activities and high technologies has been conducted at the Institute since 1997, while the Department’s composition has undergone significant changes during this time. At different times, the Department included such leading experts in the field of the theory of innovative development and assessment of high technologies as doctor of economics, prof. V.P. Aleksandrova, doctor of economics, prof. Yu.M. Bazhal, doctor of economics, prof. O.M. Lapko, doctor of economics, prof. L.I. Fedulova, doctor of economics O.B. Salikhova, PhD in economics Y.F. Shkvorets, PhD in economics T.I. Shchedrina and many others.
In its current form, the department was created in 2014 as a result of a merge of two departments, one of which was engaged in researching the problems of innovation policy and technological forecasting, and the other one - in the development of high technologies.
Doctor of economics, prof. I.Yu. Yegorov was elected as the head of the new department.
- new forms of scientific-technological and innovative activities
- developing the foundations of and implementing effective monitoring in scientific-technical activities
- the impact of the war on structural changes in the economy, technological shifts in industry and innovative activities
- Yurii Bazhal – Dr. Sci (Econom), leading researcher (part-time)
- Olena Boiko – Ph. D. (Econom), leading researcher
- Nataliia Hakhovych (Gakhovych) – Ph. D. (Econom), senior researcher
- Vitaliy Gryga – Ph. D. (Econom), senior researcher
- Iryna Dulska – Ph. D. (Econom), senior researcher
- Yurii (Yuriy) Kindzerskyi – Dr. Sci (Econom), leading researcher
- Zinaida Onufriyevych – chief economist
- Yulia Ryzhkova – research officer
- Svitlana Chernenko – Ph. D. (Econom), senior researcher
- Inna Shovkun – Ph. D. (Econom), leading researcher
International conferences
- Successful RM ROADMAP Ambassador meeting organised by HETFA, 2023 May 24
- International Conference on Business, Accounting, Management, Banking, Economic Security and Legal Regulation Research (BAMBEL 2021)
- IEEE International Conference on Modern Electrical and Energy Systems (MEES), 2021 (P.1-4)
Monographs, monograph sectıons
- Evaluation of innovative development and structural transformations in Ukraine’s economy, 2023 [in Ukrainian]
- Bazhal, I., (2022). Business Development and Economic Governance in Southeastern Europe (P.195-209)
- The formation of "smart specialization" in Ukraine’s economy, 2020 [in Ukrainian]
- Digital technologies in the innovative transformation of Ukraine’s economy, 2020 [in Ukrainian]
- The innovative ecosystem of Ukraine: a review of modernity, 2020 (P. 53-72, 73-91) [in Ukrainian]
- Yegorov, I., Gryga, V. (2018). Sustainable Futures for Higher Education: The Making of Knowledge Makers (P.45-52, 59-66, 192-201)
- Indicators of science and innovation: international standards and the practice of their use in Ukraine, 2016 [in Ukrainian]
- Yegorov I., Boiko O., Gryga V. (2015). Industrial parks in Ukraine: formation problems and development prospects [in Ukrainian]
- Ukraine’s high-tech industry: resource development opportunities, 2013 [in Ukrainian] (P. ----) - вказати сторінки!
Research papers, research papers sectıons
- Recovery and reconstruction of the post-war economy in Ukraine, 2022 [in Ukrainian]
- Development of Ukraine’s innovative system in the European scientific and technological space, 2018 [in Ukrainian]
- Implementation of high technologies in Ukraine’s economy, 2016 [in Ukrainian]
Articles (Scopus)
- Science and Innovation
- Yegorov, I., Gryga, V., Ryzhkova, Y. (2022). Enabling the Triple Helix Model Through the Implementation of Smart Specialization: the Case of Ukraine
- Yegorov, I., et al. (2022) Economic instruments of strategic household waste management. Science and Innovation
- Yegorov, I. (2018). Formation of the state science, technology and innovation policy based on the expanded model of the "triple spiral" (state-science-industry) [in Ukrainian]
- Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design
- Boiko, O., et al. (2022). Implementation of the experience of Asian countries in the creation and development of innovatively active enterprises in Ukraine
- Boiko, O., et al. (2021). Formation and implementation of clusters as providing an innovation and investment model of enterprise development: foreign and domestic experience
- Boiko, O., et al. (2020). Innovative initiatives of development of Ukrainian and South Korea industries in the period of globalization challenges
- Boiko, O., et al. (2020). Ukrainian-Chinese cooperation of industrial enterprises on innovative principles
- Boiko, O., et al. (2020). Innovation and investment fundamentals of the development of enterprises of the G7 countries during the period of globalization challenges
Articles (Web of Scıence)
- Gryga, V., et al. (2023). Comparative Analysis of SMEs Intensity in Ukraine and Indonesia Using FIS Approach (download)
- Yegorov, I., et al. (2022). Development of approaches to the evaluation of results of the activities of research institutions [in Ukrainian]
- Yegorov, I (2022). Complex Indicators in Socio-Economic Studies: Advantages and Disadvantages [in Ukrainian]
- Kindzerskyi, Y. (2022). Postwar recovery of Ukraine's industry: challenges and features of policy [in Ukrainian]
- Dulska, I. (2022). Ways to bridge digital infrastructure and skills gaps in Ukraine [in Ukrainian]
- Kindzerskyi, Yu. (2021). Inclusive industrialization for sustainable development: towards the foundations of the theory and policy of formation [in Ukrainian]
- Khaustov, V. (2021). Intellectual property is the potential for innovative development of Ukraine [in Ukrainian]
- Boiko, O. (2021). Ukrainian-Chinese experience of innovative development: problems and solutions [in Ukrainian]
- Boiko, O. (2021).Clusterization as a prerequisite for enhancing competitiveness of enterprises in the production sphere of Ukraine in the conditions of global challenges [in Ukrainian]
- Shovkun, I. (2021). Structural shifts: impact on productivity and growth of Ukraine's economy [in Ukrainian]
- Shovkun, I. (2021). Structural change and economic growth in Ukraine
Medıa publıcatıons
- Ryzhkova Yu., Gryga V., Konstantinova A., Demchuk O., Klymenko Yu. The position of cluster organizations, clusters and their associations regarding the regulatory policy for the development of clusters. 06.10.2023
- Yegorov I. (2023). Why the proposals of the Scientific Committee on reforming the industry raise many questions. "MY-Ukraine". July 31, 2023
- Yu. Ryzhkova, V. Khaustov, V. Gryga. Science can become a locomotive that will pull Ukraine out of the economic abyss. Dzerkalo tyzhnia (Mirror of the week), 08.06.2022
- Khaustov V. Intellectual property is the last chance to get out of the crisis. Holos Ukrainy (Voice of Ukraine), 14.01.2021
- Yegorov I. Who "made the suit" and who needs it? Some considerations regarding another study of the state and prospects of the development of science in Ukraine. Dzerkalo tyzhnia (Mirror of the week). - July 27, 2019
- Khaustov V.K. Development patent. Dzerkalo tyzhnia (Mirror of the week). - 27.07.2019
- Khaustov V. Digital economy: how is the service going? Dzerkalo tyzhnia (Mirror of the week). - 19.10.2019
- Khaustov V. Individual businesses instead of factories and vocational schools instead of universities? - Holos Ukrainy (Voice of Ukraine), November 6, 2019.
- Science in danger, March [in Ukrainian],2023
- Development of innovative infrastructure and improvement of innovation policy in Ukraine’s regions based on "smart specialization", 2018-2020
- The Ukrainian-German project on adapting the assessment systems of German scientific institutions to Ukraine’s conditions, 2018
- Encouragement of interregional cooperation in the field of scientific, technical and innovative development between the EU and the Black Sea region, 2017
Cooperatıon wıth state authorıtıes (within the Institute's agreements)
- Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
- Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
- Council of National Security and Defense of Ukraine
- 26, Panasa Myrnoho str., Kyiv, 01011
- +38(044) 280-14-02
- +38(044) 280-82-72
- igor_yegorov1@ukr.net