Development of the innovative system of Ukraine in the European scientific and technological space
Yegorov I.Yu. (Ed.). (2018). Development of the innovative system of Ukraine in the European scientific and technological space. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, SO “Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine" [in Ukrainian]
ISBN 978-966-02-8718-1 (electronic edition)
The paper analyzes the main features and trends of the creation of a single scientific, technical and innovative space in the EU countries, develops a concept and methodological toolkit for conducting a comprehensive analysis of the state of innovative activities in Ukraine with the involvement of both "traditional" statistical and new indicators, whose values are obtained based on conducting national innovation surveys. The nature of innovative activities in various sectors of the economy is assessed according to the methodology of EU innovation surveys; the conceptual foundations of Ukraine's European integration in the scientific, technical and innovation spheres is improved, including specific recommendations for encouraging the relevant processes. Special attention is paid to the problems of harmonization of innovative and other types of policy, in particular industrial, social ones, etc. It is shown that in the case of "autonomous" implementation of this or that policy, the integrity of the system of state management of socio-economic processes is violated, which leads to a decrease in its overall efficiency. On this basis, the main provisions of the "road map" for the implementation of the Association Agreement in the part related to scientific, technical and innovative activities are developed.
For scientists, civil servants, teachers, graduate students and students of economic specialties of higher educational institutions.