Scientific degree – PhD in Economics
Scientific title – senior researcher
The main place of work – State Organization "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine"
Position – senior researcher of department of innovation policy, economy and organization of high technologies
Directions of research activity
- implementation of innovations in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) in sectors of the national economy, including due to the European integration of Ukraine
- the development of the ICT sector
Main scientific interests
- problems of ict sector development
- regional economy
- decentralization
- development of financial markets
- Dulska, І. (2022). Ways to bridge digital infrastructure and skills gaps in Ukraine [in Ukrainian]. 2022
- Dulska, І. (2021). Opportunities for digitalization of territorial communities and smart specialization of their development in the conditions of decentralization reform in Ukraine [in Ukrainian]. 2021
- Dulska, І., et al. (2020). The formation of "smart specialization" in the economy of Ukraine (P.) [in Ukrainian]. 2020 - вказати сторінки
- Dulska, І. (2020). Investing ict innovations in the national economy at the expense of a compulsory cumulative pension system [in Ukrainian]. 2020
- Dulska, І., et al. (2020). Digital economy: trends, risks and social determinants (P.254–276) [in Ukrainian]. 2020
- Dulska, І. (2019). Budget support for digitization within the E-government in Ukraine [in Ukrainian]. 2019
- Dulska, І. (2019). E-governance as an instrument for social engineering of society in Ukraine [in Ukrainian]. 2019
Personal pages
Foreign languages skills
- english
- german
- russian
Personal interests
- detective stories
- +38(093) 505-94-09