The formation of "smart specialization" in the economy of Ukraine
Yegorov, I.Yu. (Ed.). (2020). The formation of "smart specialization" in the economy of Ukraine. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine". Kyiv [in Ukrainian]
ISBN 978-966-02-9458-5 (electronic edition)
The monograph has been prepared based on the results of a research project of the same name. As part of the project, the authors, based on the generalization of domestic and foreign experience, streamline the scientific and methodological principles of the formation of innovative policy and "smart specialization" in Ukraine’s economy under globalization. Analyzed the emergence and implementation of smart specialization in the developed countries, primarily in the EU countries, the content and significance of the main criteria for the selection of areas of smart specialization, the most important indicators of smart specialization and innovative activities, and their compliance with international standards, in particular EU standards. Proposed various changes to the existing system of innovation activities statistics in accordance with updated international standards in this area; a theoretical and methodological toolkit for assessing the level of smart specialization in various sectors of Ukraine's economy is improved and introduced. An in-depth analysis of the state of affairs in Ukraine’s economy from the standpoint of smart specialization is carried out, and specific approaches to the assessment and monitoring of smart specialization are proposed, including recommendations for the application of certain measures. Special attention is paid to the problems of harmonization of the measures of innovation policy and the policy of implementation of smart specialization.