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Olena Boiko

Olena Boiko

Scientific degree – DPhD in Economics

Scientific title – senior research fellow

Scientific scholarships – Scholarship holder of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2006

The main place of work – State Organization "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine"

Position – leading researcher of department of innovation policy, economy and organization of high technologies

Main scientific interests

  • development of scientific, technical and innovative activity (real sector of the economy)
  • innovative and investment activity
  • special forms of organization of innovative activity (industrial parks, technoparks, clusters, technopolises, venture enterprises, eco-industrial parks, etc.)
  • regulatory and legal provision of innovation and investment development in the context of European integration aspects
  • development of the industrial sector of the economy on the basis of innovation, including the development of old industrial regions, etc.
  • national characteristics of the development of innovations and the study of international experience

Main scientific interests

  • scientific, technical and innovative activity at the level of regions
  • investment aspects of the development of the industrial sector of the economy on the basis of innovation
  • special forms of organization of innovative activity
  • problems of deindustrialization and industrialization of industry on the basis of innovation
  • structural changes in the innovative development of industry
  • institutional support for innovative development of the real sector of the economy


Personal pages

Foreign languages skills

  • english
  • russian


  • +38 (067) 699-19-88