Evaluation of innovative development and structural transformations in Ukraine’s economy
Yegorov I., Kindzers'kyj Yu. (Eds.). (2023). Evaluation of innovative development and structural transformations in Ukraine’s economy. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, SI “Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine" [in Ukrainian]
ISBN 978-617-14-0113-6 (electronic edition)
The monograph has been prepared based on the research project of the same name completed in accordance with the research plan of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
The monograph defines and analyzes the development and implementation of innovation and scientific-technical policies in developed countries, as well as the content and meaning of the main criteria for identifying areas of innovative activities and measuring structural changes, key indicators of innovative activities, and their compliance with international standards, in particular EU standards. The authors propose a methodological toolkit for the implementation in Ukraine of the updated OECD methodology for assessing the level of innovative development, and conduct an in-depth analysis of the state of innovation in Ukraine. Special attention is given to the problems of harmonizing innovation policy with other policies, in particular the social and industrial ones. The monograph considers the possibilities of post-war recovery in Ukraine’s scientific, technical and innovative areas in the context of encouraging economic development and ensuring progressive structural changes in the economy. In this regard, the authors offer various guidelines to improve the approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of innovative activities and substantiate appropriate organizational measures.
Intended for scientists, employees of state authorities and management, teachers, graduate students and students of economic specialties of higher educational institutions.