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Igor Yegorov

Igor Yegorov

Scientific degree – Doctor of Sciences (Economics)

Scientific title – professor

Membership in the National Academies –  Corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

The main place of work – State Organization "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine"

Position – head of the department of innovation policy, economy and organization of high technologies

Research Internships

  • the priority directions of scientific research are related to the study of the problems of innovative development in ukraine and the world, in particular, the development of the innovative system of Ukraine in the european scientific and innovative space
  • the improvement of certain aspects of the concept of "smart specialization"
  • the issue of the spread of digital technologies and the evaluation of efficiency in the scientific field

Directions of research activity

  • development of innovative development in Ukraine and the world
  • regional economy


Personal pages

Foreign languages skills

  • english
  • russian


  • +38(044) 280-14-02