Update date 05.01.2025
"The Power of Trade as a Driver of Sustainable Industrial Development"
The foundation of the Department on January 1, 2025, is connected with the development of promising directions of scientific research – justification of effective trade and industrial policy instruments that will contribute to the industrial recovery of Ukraine on the basis of sustainable development, democratic principles, strengthening the resilience of the national economy and its competitiveness.
Such systematic researches were initiated in the Department of Sectoral Forecasts and Market Conditions (from 1997 to 2013) by Honored Economist, Doctor of Economics, Professor Viktor TOCHYLIN.
From 2013 to 2023, research on the problematic issues of the development of sectoral markets of the real sector of the economy was conducted under the head of Tamara OSTASHKO, Academician of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine.
Since 2023, the department is headed by Vitalii VENGER, Doctor of Economics, Senior Researcher.
On January 01, 2025, the Department of Sectoral Forecasts and Market Conditions was renamed to the Department of Trade and Industrial Policy.
- protection of national interests in trade and industrial development
- trade and industrial policy in the context of European integration
- trade development strategising
- Liubov (Lyubov) Bilyk – chief economist
- Oleksandr Bykonya – Ph. D. (Econom), senior researcher
- Vasyl Humeniuk – Ph. D. (Econom), senior researcher
- Tetiana Khaniniova – chief economist, senior researcher
- Oksana Kushnirenko – Dr. Sci (Econom), leading researcher
- Volodymyr Olefir – Ph. D. (Econom), leading researcher
- Tamara Ostashko – Dr. Sci (Econom), chief researcher
- Oleh Pustovoit – Dr. Sci (Econom), leading researcher
- Nataliia Romanovska – Ph. D. (Econom), research officer
- Ella Sheludko – Ph. D. (Econom), senior researcher
- Olena Snihova (Snigova) – Dr. Sci (Econom), senior researcher
- Olena Tsyplitska – Dr. Sci (Econom), senior researcher
- Olha Zarudna – junior researcher
- Mariia Zavhorodnia (Zavgorodnia) – Ph. D. (Econom), research officer
International conferences
- Bogolib Readings, 2023, September 15
- Globalization challenges in economics, accounting, finance and law, 2023, September 14
- Sustainable development: challenges and threats under the conditions of modern realities, 2023, June 15
- Sustainable development: challenges and threats under the conditions of martial law, 2022, June 17
- Modern information technologies and systems in management, 2021, April 15-16
- Business Analytics in the Management of Foreign Economic Activities, 2021, March 17
- Effective solutions in economics, finance and management, 2021, February 5
Monographs, monograph sectıons
- Venger, V.V. (2022). The metallurgical industry of Ukraine: growth factors and directions of state regulation [in Ukrainian]
- Development of the national trade policy to increase the competitiveness of the Ukrainian economy, 2021 [in Ukrainian]
- Modernization of the economic policy of the development of spheres of activity and markets, 2020 (Part 2) [in Ukrainian]
- Structural changes in world trade as a factor in the development of Ukraine’s domestic market, 2019 [in Ukrainian]
- Lier, V. (2018). Imperatives and determinants of energy policy of sustainable development [in Ukrainian]
- Pustovoit, О. (2016). Institutional nature of economic cycles. Experience of Ukraine [in Ukrainian]
- Tochylin, V. (Ed.) (2013). Problems, directions and factors of promoting the development of Ukraine’s domestic market of Ukraine (real sector) [in Ukrainian]
- Ostashko, T. O., Voloschenko-Holda, L. Yu. (2011). WTO emergency measures to protect agro-food markets [in Ukrainian]
- Ostashko, T. , Voloschenko-Holda, L., Lienivova, H. (2009). Ukraine’s domestic agro-food market under WTO conditions [in Ukrainian]
- Tochylin, V. (Ed.) (2009). Real sector markets in Ukraine’s economy: a structural and institutional analysis [in Ukrainian]
- Venger, V. (2007). Regulation of natural monopolies: theory and practice [in Ukrainian]
Research papers, research paper sections
- Implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU: economic challenges and new opportunities, 2016 [in Ukrainian]
- Implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU: recommendations based on the experience of Eastern European countries, 2015 [in Ukrainian]
- Structural changes and regulation of markets under the conditions of liberalization of foreign trade in Ukraine, 2015 [in Ukrainian]
- Assessment of the impact of the Association Agreement/FTA between Ukraine and the EU on the economy of Ukraine, 2014 [in Ukrainian]
- Possibilities and reservations regarding the consequences of the implementation of the provisions of the Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine, 2013 [in Ukrainian]
- Ostashko, T. O. (2010). Risks for Ukraine’s agriculture during the introduction of the free trade regime with the European Union [in Ukrainian]
- Heyets, V. M., Tochilin, V. O., Ostashko, T. O. (Ed.). (2008). Problems and directions of the protection of domestic market [in Ukrainian]
- Ostashko, T. O. (2006). Structural and institutional analysis of the agricultural market [in Ukrainian]
- Science and Innovation (Skopus)
- Venger, V., et al. (2024). Development of Titanium Production in Ukraine: Evolving Prospects Based on National R&D
- Venger, V., et al. (2024). Tokenomics and Perspectives of Proof of Stake
- Venger, V. V., Gakhovych, N. G., Kushnirenko, O. M. (2023). Prerequisites and prospects for the development of the titanium industry in Ukraine in the post-war period [in Ukrainian]
- Bykonya, O. S., Romanovska, N. I. (2023). Trade development prospects of Ukraine as a candidate country for EU membership [in Ukrainian]
- Ostashko, T., Kobuta, I., Olefir, V., Lienivova, H. (2022). Evaluation of the results and analysis of the impact of the DCFTA with the EU on agricultural trade in Ukraine
- Ostashko, T. (2021). Ukraine’s Agricultural Trade During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Ostashko, T., Olefir, V., Venger, V., & Boiko, O. (2021). A Comparative Analysis of the Trade and Industrial Policies of Ukraine and China in the Context of the Obor Initiative
- Pustovoit, O. V. (2021). Price and value competitiveness of Ukrainian merchandise exports
- Olefir, V.K. (2019). Experience of the formation of free trade areas with China
Presentations 2020
- Participation in the annual meeting of the Group of Experts on Agricultural Trade in Europe and Central Asia. October 27–28
Media publications
- Venger V.V., Khaustov V.K. The future of Ukrainian metallurgy: a nationalization?
- Venger V.V. Striking a balance: How different countries tax the latest tobacco products and e-cigarettes
- Lier V.E. The country’s energy audit
- Ostashko T.O., Heyets V.M. et al. The social importance of land for Ukraine’s present and future
- Khaustov V.K. Ukraine’s metallurgy: where are we going?
- Lier V.E. The resource curse
- Venger V.V., Khaustov V.K. Ukraine’s metallurgy: where did it all start and what do we have now?
- Bykonya O.S. How will the moratorium on the export of wood affect the prospects for the development of the woodworking industry?
Cooperatıon wıth state authorıtıes (within the Institute's agreements)
- Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
- Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Economic Development
- Development of the national trade policy to increase the Ministry of Strategic Industries of Ukraine
- Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
- Ministry of Finance of Ukraine
- Ministry of Defence Ukraine
- National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine
- State Statistics Service of Ukraine
Expert activite
Performing works (rendering services) commissioned by state authorities and local self-governments, enterprises, institutions and other legal entities, as well as individuals, in particular:
- conducting scientific and research works
- organizing and conducting scientific and technical expertise
- organization of market research, which consists of a systematic scientific analysis of the state of the economy as a whole, a particular industry or a specific commodity market or market for a particular product
Scientific and analytical notes 2020-2023
Employees of the sector prepared 51 reports based on the results of research (including 21 of them prepared together with other departments of the Institute), which were sent both to state authorities and to the Department of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
- 26, Panasa Myrnoho str., Kyiv, 01011
- +38(044) 280-84-65
- vengerv@ukr.net