Problems, directions and factors of promoting the development of Ukraine’s domestic market
Danylenko, A.I., Deineko, L.V., Tochylin, V.O. (Eds.). (2013). Problems, directions and factors of promoting the development of Ukraine’s domestic market (real sector). NAS of Ukraine, Institute for Economics and Forecasting. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
ISBN 978–966–02–6820–3
The main trends and factors of the unsustainable development of Ukraine`s domestic market within the global economy are highlighted. It is shown that its inertial development threatens to slow down Ukraine's economic growth, limits its ability to withstand negative shocks of the foreign economic situation. The priorities of the state policy regarding the increase in the production of domestic products aimed at meeting the needs of the domestic consumer are outlined.
For scientists, employees of state administration bodies, university teachers, graduate students, students.