Risks for the agriculture of Ukraine
Ostashko, T.O. (2010). Risks for the agriculture of Ukraine during the introduction of the free trade regime with the European Union. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute for Economics and Forecasting. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
ISBN 978-966-02-5708-5
The scientific report is devoted to the actual problem of determining risks for agriculture from the introduction of a free trade regime with the EU. The experience of creating FTAs with the EU by third countries was considered, a comparative analysis of the tariff regimes of the EU and Ukraine and non-tariff market protection measures was carried out. The criteria for determining sensitive agricultural products for which it is expedient to establish an exemption from the FTA have been substantiated. The risks of establishing a free trade regime with the EU under various scenarios of creating FTAs were considered.
It can be useful for scientists, employees of state administration bodies, university teachers, graduate students, and students.