Problems and directions of the protection of domestic market
Heyets, V.M., Tochylin, V.O., Ostashko, T.O., (Eds.). (2008). Problems and directions of internal market protection. Institute for Economic Forecasting. Kyiv [in Ukrainian]
It is shown that the development of the internal market in the conditions of membership in the WTO becomes a significant factor in economic growth. Focusing on building the domestic market, Ukraine's economic policy has a real opportunity to give its economy systematic, synergy and socially oriented nature, while determining the prospects of integration into the world economic space and the effective correlation of domestic market and foreign trade.
The report is the result of scientific research executed by the Departments of Sectoral Forecasts and Markets and Economic Growth and the Structural Changes in the Economy of the SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine".