Scientific degree – Doctor of Sciences (Economics)
Scientific title – senior researcher
State awards
The main place of work – State Organization "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine"
Position – head of the department of economic history
Directions of research activity
- methodology of historical and economic research
- theory and history of institutional transformation of the economy
- history of Ukrainian economic thought
Main scientific interests - надати контент!
Monographs, monograph sectıons
- Reconstruction for development: foreign experience and Ukrainian perspectives (P. 17-20, 110-128, 548-556) [in Ukrainian]. 2023
- Space equity in land use and sustainable rural development
- Book 1: Equity in access to land resources and benefits from their use in rural areas (P. 9-22, 46-54) [in Ukrainian]. 2021
- Book 2: Guaranteeing the basic rights of peasants and spatial justice in the conditions of land market liberalization in Ukraine (P. 74-93) [in Ukrainian]. 2022
- Historical determinants of Ukraine's inclusion in the system of international economic relations (P. 8-11,14-27,185-188, 379-395, 510-520) [in Ukrainian]. 2021
- Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: historical and institutional analysis (P. 7-14, 52-92, 254-263, 287-290, 421-423, 521-556) [in Ukrainian]. 2019
- Entrepreneurship in the Era of Global Transformations: Challenges and Development Prospects (P. 26-47) [in Ukrainian]. 2019 - надати посилання
- Economy of Ukraine in research and forecasts: 20 years of activities of the Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (P. 70-90) [in Ukrainian]. 2018
- M. Tugan-Baranovsky: scientist, citizen, state-maker: to the 150th anniversary of birth (P. 123-136,169-180) [in Ukrainian]. 2015
- Ukrainian economic opinion on the factors and priorities of economic development (P. 11-81, 148-172, 308-337, 374-394) [in Ukrainian]. 2014
- Evolution of the theory of public finance in Ukraine [in Ukrainian]. 2013
- Evolution of market institutions in Ukraine (Part 1 - p.7-108, 140-180, 254-275). (Part 2 - p.32-80, 164-196, 266-294) [in Ukrainian]. 2012
- Retrospective of market transformations in Ukraine: a modern discourse (P. 261-277, 285-339, 353-362) [in Ukrainian]. 2010
- Ukrainian financial thought in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries [in Ukrainian]. 2007
Scientific reports
- Restoration and reconstruction of Ukraine’s post-war economy (P. 69-89). 2022
Collections of scientific papers
- Actual ideas in the scientific heritage of Mykhailo Tugan-Baranovskyi (P. 8-9, 47-51) [in Ukrainian]. 2024
- International historical experience of post-war economic reconstruction: lessons for Ukraine (P. 29) [in Ukrainian]. 2023
- Reconstructive economic development: main directions, efficiency and social justice (P.48-59) [in Ukrainian]. 2016
- Scientific heritage of Vasyl Karazin for recovery and strengthening of Ukrainian economy (to the 250th anniversary of his birth) [in Ukrainian]. 2023
- Ekonomia i Prawo. Economics and Law (Web of Science)
- Theoretical sources of the social state [in Ukrainian]. 2023
- Methodology of historical and economic research experience of post-war reconstruction [in Ukrainian]. 2022
- Educational mobility in time of war: risks of human potential’s losses in Ukraine [in Ukrainian]. 2022
- American political and economic doctrine in postwar reconstruction of Europe (the second half of the 1940s – early 1950s): historical lessons for Ukraine [in Ukrainian]. 2022
- Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu (Scopus)
- History of economic doctrines (P. 262-270, 288-303) [in Ukrainian]. 2019
Personal pages
- +38(044) 280-84-07