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Reconstructive economic development:

Reconstructive economic development: main directions, efficiency and social justice. Monographic collection (2016). National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine". Кyiv [in Ukrainian]

ISBN 978-966-02-8125-7 (e-edition)

The collection reveals the content of the reconstructive type of economic development, the main directions of its formation, the ratio of economic efficiency and social justice. The authors propose a new conceptual approach, according to which reconstructive economic development consists in a combination of fundamental restructuring of the supporting structures in the socio-economic system with the restoration of Ukraine's own identity and economic subjectivity on the basis of social justice, which can occur both in conditions of economic growth and zero and even negative economic growth rates. The collection shows the influence of the historical trajectory of the development of Ukraine’s economy on the emergence of modern institutional destructions, and the peculiarities of the interrelationship of economic and political prerequisites for the reconstructive development of this country’s economy. Justified the choice of the reindustrialization strategy, and clarified the content of reconstructive development in Ukraine’s agricultural sector on the basis of its socioeconomic modernization. The article reveals the peculiarities of the reconstruction of transport infrastructure, challenges and approaches to the reconstruction of the social and labor sphere, and various methods of monetary support for the reconstructive development of Ukraine’s economy. Substantiated the need to develop tools for limiting social risks and inequality, and ensuring human rights in economic and social-labor relations.

The monographic collection will be useful both to specialists in the field of economics, politics and law, and to a wide range of readers who are interested in developmental socio-economic and institutional problems