Entrepreneurship in Ukraine:
Nebrat, V.V. (Ed.). (2019). Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: historical and institutional analysis. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine". Kyiv [in Ukrainian]
ISBN 978-966-02-9087-7 (electronic edition)
The monograph presents the results of a complex historical and economic study on the process of origin, formation, development and transformation of entrepreneurial activities on Ukrainian territory from the 11th century. to the present day. The authors reveal the historical regularities and national features of the evolution of entrepreneurship as an entire institutional complex, which became the driver of economic development and market transformations of the economy. Based on the application of a qualitatively new historical-institutional methodological approach to the study of evolution of the economic environment in Ukrainian scientific literature, the monograph substantiates the statement about the distortion of the institution of entrepreneurship in the national economy as a consequence of the previous trajectory of its development. The historical forms of entrepreneurial activity are considered and the leading trends and significant barriers to the development of entrepreneurship in Ukraine at the current stage are summarized