Reconstruction for development:
Ed. board, V.V. Nebrat, Head (2023). Reconstruction for development: foreign experience and Ukrainian perspectives. NAS of Ukraine, SI “Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine" [in Ukrainian]
ISBN 978-966-02-9337-3 (electronic edition)
The collective monograph represents the work of Ukrainian and foreign researchers on the issues of history, theory, politics of post-war economic reconstruction and the restoration of the socio-humanitarian space, substantiating the priorities of the national reconstruction strategy, understanding the role and directions of reforming education and science to ensure the national perspective in the context of the tasks of post-war economic reconstruction, institutional modernization and European integration of Ukraine.
For employees of the state management apparatus, local self-government bodies, teachers and students of economics and management, and everyone who is interested in economic history and the politics of reconstruction and economic development.