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Українці як трудові ресурси російсько-радянських суперпроєктів: історія та економіка

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Від проєкту молочного екокластера – до стратегії розвитку регіону

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Чому пропозиції Наукового комітету щодо реформування в галузі викликають багато питань

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Час конвертувати бренд «Україна» в успіх її виробників

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Червоний зашморг для селян

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Системні соціально-економічні виклики сьогодення: виклики України

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The year of cooperation

Іn May 16, 2023, a meeting was held at the Consulate General of Ukraine in Naples, at which the results of cooperation between the Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IEP) and the Italian Institute for the Future (IIF) were summarized. The Memorandum of Cooperation between two institutions  was signed in Naples with the assistance of the Consulate General of Ukraine a year ago.     The meeting was attended by Consul General of Ukraine in Naples Maksym Kovalenko, Vice-President and co-founder of IIM doc. Daniela Porpiglia, IIM director for international affairs Vincento Torre and Counselor for International Cooperation to the IEP Director  Prof. Oleksandr Sharov.  

It was noted that over the past year the Parties managed not only to hold a number of international conferences and meetings, but also to find ways of practical implementation of their research.

The Parties also agreed on further joint work with the aim of identifying specific needs for the recovery of the Ukrainian economy and opportunities for Italian business to meet them and further cooperation.

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Dear Colleagues, 

The Economics and Business School of Universidad Anahuac Puebla, México and the Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine are organizing the International Conference Geoeconomics of the International Monetary Order: Money and Power in the 21st Century. This event will be held on June 7-8, (Mexico City time zone, UTC-6) through VIRTUAL format. 

The purpose of this international conference is to gather experts from several countries and fields to discuss, as a complex phenomenon that needs to be scrutinized from multiple perspectives, the ongoing multifaceted transformation of the global financial and monetary order. Also, the other purpose is to discuss the impacts and implications for this matter of disruptive forces, including the reactivation of strategic rivalries involving major powers, the intensification of both conventional conflict and non-kinetic forms of warfare, the proliferation of FinTech, rising monetary pluralism and the effects of the COVID-19 global pandemic.   

The sphere of money is not just about wealth. Throughout history, money has operated an impersonal force whose behaviour needs to be understood from a long-range multidisciplinary perspective that considers economic, political, strategic, technological, geographical and societal factors. There is an increasing competition to redefine the nature of the international financial and monetary order. Under such systemic conditions, national states are addressing the sphere of money as a domain that entails far-reaching implications for international relations, national security, foreign policy, grand strategy and intelligence.

Taking this scenario into account, it is important and relevant to analyze what are the main trends of these phenomena that will probably be elements that trigger a new international order.

It is with great pleasure that we invite our colleagues to participate in the International Conference organized by Anahuac University Puebla (Mexico) and Institute for Economics and Forecasting (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine).

The Conference will provide you with a great opportunity to present your work and discuss geoeconomics of the international monetary order with global scholars. It will also include local and regional representation. For the very first time, the Local Organizing Committee is composed of colleagues from two countries, with the aim of strengthening ties with the global community.

Welcome proposals related to the following topics:

  • Geoeconomics
  • International monetary order and main players
  • Strategic competition in the sphere of money and finance
  • De-dollarization and rising monetary pluralism
  • International finance
  • International currencies
  • Digital currencies
  • Geopolitics

Deadline for proposals: May 20, 2023.

The submissions shall include: title of presentation, abstract of presentation (250 words approximately) and executive resume (250 words approximately).

Format: virtual panels (each speaker will have 25 minutes).

Important. As an additional collaborative project, please note that both Anahuac Puebla University and the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, have agreed that this project also contemplates the publication of book which will compile the corresponding conference papers.

Contact / organizers

Prof. Jose Carrillo-Pina Prof. Oleksandr Sharov

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Money and power in 21st century

On April 19, 2023, the editors of the "Journal of European Economics" together with the Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine held a discussion on the nature of modern money, the reason for which was the two-volume work of the Chief Researcher of the international financial research sector of the IEP, the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Journal, Professor Sharov O.M. - "Monetary Globalization" and "Globalization of Money".

Ukrainian and foreign experts took part in the discussion, in particular, Alonso-Trabanko J.-M. (researcher at Massey University, New Zealand),  Borzenko O. (Head of the IEP Sector ), Hrytsenko A. (Full-Member of the Academy, IEP First Deputy Director), Carrillo-Pina J. ( Universidad Anáhuac Puebla, Mexico), Korablin S. (Corresponding Member of the Academy,IEP Deputy Director), Mishchenko V. ( Head of the IEP sector), Pilyaev I. ( IEP/University of Tokyo), Petryk O. ( IMF Alternate Director, 2013-17; Member of the Council of the National Bank of Ukraine, 2018-22), Yurchyshyn V. (Director of economic programs, Razumkov Center), Saveliev Ye. (West Ukrainian National University, Editor-in-Chief of theJjournal), Skrynnyk Z. ( Lviv National University after Ivan Franko), Sharov O. (IEP ), Yaremenko S. ( Chairman of Eximbank of Ukraine, 1992-96; Deputy Governor  of the National Bank of Ukraine, 2005).

Starting the discussion, Prof. Hrytsenko A. said that he was not going to "sing praises", but wish to congratulate Prof. Sharov O. with truly unique work. After all, there is no such work in world practice that would be devoted, on the one hand, to the influence of money on globalization, and, on the other hand, to the impact of globalization on money itself. Such a high assessment was supported by Petryk O., who noted: "From my point of view, the treatise "Globalization of Money" by O. Sharov is the most interesting and informative book by Ukrainian researchers in the field of Money Theory and monetary development that I have read in recent years . Books are interesting in themselves, but it is very important that they also make you think about many questions. This is a kind of trigger for further thinking and analysis."

In the course of the subsequent discussion, its participants discussed the current issues of the development of the Monetary System (Modernization of money functions, the de-staffing of money and the emergence of digital money - crypto-currencies and CBDC) and International Monetary Relations (prospects of de-dollarization, the emergence of alternative international currencies, etc.).

At the end, the wishes were expressed  to continuation of research in this field by Prof. Sharov O., as well as organization of a wider international conference on these issues.

In response to such proposal, it was announced that the Institute of Economics and Forecasting intends to hold such a conference together with Mexican partners in June of this year and invites its Ukrainian and foreign partners to participate in it.

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Economic diplomacy in the reconstruction of Ukraine

On April 4, 2023, the Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (International Finance Research Sector) in continuation of the international Conference on fundamental geo-economic shifts (December, 2022)  together with the Diplomatic Academy under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, held the I International Scientific-Practical Conference "The Modern World and Economic Diplomacy: Challenges, Solutions and Recovery of Ukraine".

Director of the Institute Prof. V. Heyets made a Welcome Speech on behalf of the Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Dear Conference participants!

It is a great pleasure for me to have the opportunity to address you todayю It is a double pleasure, as, unfortunately, the issues of economic diplomacy are not often discussed jointly by academics and practitioners.

In general, the question may arise, why a purely academic institution - like our Institute - shows interest in seemingly purely practical issues. But the fact is that in reality economic diplomacy is an amalgamation of theory, practice and... art.

It is economic diplomats who have to put into practice theoretical ideas about the Role of the State in the Economy, the Geopolitical and Geoeconomic structure of the World, the impact of investments on Economic Growth, the threat of Climate Change, etc. It is fully understandable a huge importance of Economic Diplomacy in the conditions of War and for Post-War Economic Recovery. More than ever, it is precisely in these conditions that the true art of negotiation and the achievement of set goals is required.

To achieve these goals, Ukrainian diplomacy, more than ever, needs to study and use international experience. Although, on the other hand, the situation that has arisen today, - not only in Ukraine, but also in the whole World,-  is simply unprecedented. Therefore, we cannot simply rely on past experience or existing standards. And again - to solve the problems that today stand in the way of Global Economic Development, a combination of theory, practice and art is needed.

From our side, the Institute  makes every effort to theoretically substantiate not only the Tasks, but also the Ways to ensure the Stability of the Economy of Ukraine in the conditions of the War and its Post-War Recovery. We prepare and discuss relevant offers. And not only among scientists. That is why it is very important for us to know that after approval our proposals fall into the hands of skilled and experienced diplomats who are able to ensure their successful implementation.

 So, I congratulate all participants of the conference and wish all of us success in our joint work.

 Glory to Ukraine!

On behalf of the Institute academic reports  were presented by:

  • Deputy Director, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Economic Sciences , Professor S. Korablin ("Financial Aspects of Recovery of Ukraine")
  • and Chief Researcher, Doctor hab. (Economics), Professor O.Sharov  ("Ukraine's Economic Diplomacy: Post-War Challenges").
  • The Head of the  International Finance Research Sector, Doctor hab. ( Economics), Professor O.Borzenko and other researchers of the Institute also took part in the work of the conference.

During the Panel Discussion (moderated by Prof. O. Sharov) were presented some reports by Raymond Saner, Prof., University of Basel and Centre for Socio-Economic Development (“Economic Diplomacy in Today’s International Relations”); Hele Karilaid, Counsellor, Department of Economic Diplomacy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia ( “Estonian experience in implementing economic diplomacy to overcome global challenges and crises”; Prof. Przemysław Żurawski vel Grajewski, Advisor to the Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs ( “Economic dimension of the Russian war in Ukraine as the fourth crises faced by the EU”) and Volodymyr Khomanets, Ph.D. in Economics, Ambassador of Ukraine to the Tunisian Republic and to the State of Libya with concurrent accreditation (“Strategic orientation and principles of the of ensive model of economic diplomacy of Ukraine”).

Interesting proposals were made by the representative of the GUAM Innovation Association  Dr.S. Maulik, who pointed out the still untapped possibilities of using the Organization for Democracy and Economic Development to raise the international status of Ukraine.

In general, the conference was held in the spirit of an interested discussion of the presented reports, which went far beyond the planned time and made it possible to formulate a number of specific proposals that can be used by our diplomats when solving the tasks of the Post-War Recovery of Ukraine.

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