Update date 11.02.2025
In 2011, it was decided to allocate scientific research related to the structural and institutional analysis of energy markets and economic and mathematical modeling of energy at the Institute into a separate Sector for forecasting the development of the fuel and energy complex as part of the Department of Sectoral Forecasts and Market Conditions. In early 2025, the Department of Energy and Climate Economics was established on the basis of the Sector.
The Department is headed by Ph.D., Senior Researcher Podolets R.Z.
- державна кліматична політика
- економіко-математичне моделювання розвитку енергетики
- інтеграція енергетичних ринків
- Oleksandr Diachuk – Ph. D. (Technical), Leading Researcher
- Valentyna Koziubra – Leading Engineer
- Serhii Kyryziuk – Ph. D. (Econom), Senior Researcher
- Tetiana Saprykina – Junior Researcher
- Andrii Semeniuk – Junior Researcher
- Halyna (Galyna) Trypolska – Ph. D. (Econom), Leading Researcher
- Liliia Venher (Venger) – Ph. D. (Econom), research officer
- Climate conference, Aftertaste of Ukrainian COP29: modeling in wartime [in Ukrainian]
Participation in working groups
- National Energy and Climate Plan at the High-Level Advisory Group Meeting, 2024 [in Ukrainian]
- Climate Change, 2021
- COP26: Ukraine NDC roadmap - way to decarbonise the economy, 2021
Monographs, monograph sectıons
- Diachuk O. (2023). How to help Ukrainian scientists overcome Russia’s invasion and advance sustainabilit
- Natural gas markets of Ukraine and the EU: liberalization and integration, 2021 [in Ukrainian]
- Podolets, R., Diachuk, O. et al. (2018). Limiting Global Warming to Well Below 2 °C: Energy System Modelling and Policy Development (P. 277–295)
- Integration factors of transformation of the institutional environment and structure of markets of energy resources of Ukraine, 2017 [in Ukrainian]
- Energy markets of Ukraine: regulatory convergence and integration, 2014 [in Ukrainian]
- Trypolska G. (2011). Agrobioenergy market of Ukraine [in Ukrainian]
Research papers, research paper sections
- Podolets R., Diachuk O. (2011). Strategic planning in the fuel and energy complex based on the "TIMES-Ukraine" model [in Ukrainian]
Articles (Scopus)
- nternational Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy
- Trypolska, G. (2024) Low carbon transformation of energy, transport, industry, and agriculture companies in Ukraine
- Trypolska, G. (2024) Dedicated energy crops: support policies in Europe and in post-war Ukraine
- International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management
- Heliyon
- Trypolska, G. (2024) Unlocking the potential: Key factors shaping the liquid biofuels market in Ukraine
- Energy Policy
- Diachuk, O., Podolets, R., Chepeliev, M., Semeniuk, A. (2023) What is the future of nuclear power in Ukraine? The role of war, techno-economic drivers, and safety considerations
- Trypolska, G., Pysmenna, U., et al. (2023) The winter package of the EU: possibilities for Ukraine’s households. Polityka Energetyczna
- Energy Strategy Reviews
- Diachuk, O., Podolets, R., Semeniuk, A., et al. (2023) Effect of localisation and climate change on operation of data centres in Ukraine towards 2050
- Joule
- Diachuk, O., Podolets, R., Chepeliev, M., Semeniuk, A. (2023) Can Ukraine go ‘‘green’’ on the post-war recovery path?
- Energies
- Trypolska, G., Semeniuk, A., Podolets, R., Diachuk, O., et al. (2024) Advancing Heat Pump Adoption in Ukraine’s Low-Carbon Energy Transition
- Trypolska, G., Pysmenna U., et al. (2023) Support for Household Prosumers in the Early Stages of Power Market Decentralization in Ukraine
- Podolets, R., Trypolska G., et al. (2023) Economic Feasibility of Agricultural Biogas Production by Farms in Ukraine
- Trypolska, G., Podolets R., et al. (2022). Economic Feasibility of Agricultural Biogas Production by Farms in Ukraine
- Trypolska, G., et al. (2022). Wind and Solar Power Plant End-of-Life Equipment: Prospects for Management in Ukraine
- Trypolska, G., et al. (2022). The Use of Solar Energy by Households and Energy Cooperatives in Post-War Ukraine: Lessons Learned from Austria
- Trypolska, G., Pysmenna U., et al. (2021). Energy Security Assessment of Emerging Economies under Global and Local Challenges
- Diachuk, O., Podolets, R., Semeniuk, A., et al. (2021). Exploring the Long-Term Development of the Ukrainian Energy System
- International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
- Trypolska, G., et al. (2024) Organizational and Economic Mechanisms for Promoting Residential Battery Energy Storage Systems in Ukraine
- Trypolska, G., et al. (2023) Ukraine’s bioenergy sector: trends and perspectives for the post-war green energy transition
- Trypolska, G., et al. (2022). Experience and Prospects of Financing Renewable Energy Projects in Ukraine
- Trypolska, G., et al. (2022). Solar energy for green university: estimation of economic, environmental and image benefits
- Trypolska, G., et al. (2021). Impact of New Renewable Electricity Generating Capacities on Employment in Ukraine in 2021-2030
- Environmental Economics
- Trypolska, G., et al. (2023). Research trends on development of energy efficiency and renewable energy in households: A bibliometric analysis
- Science and Innovation
- Heyets, В., Podolets, Р., Diachuk, О. (2022). Post-war economic recovery of Ukraine in the imperatives of low-carbon development
- Investment Management and Financial Innovations
- Yukhymets, R., et al. (2022). Gas futures as a factor of the Ukrainian capital market development
- International Journal of Global Energy Issues
- Trypolska, G. (2021). Prospects for employment in renewable energy in Ukraine, 2014-2035
- Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
- Diachuk, O., Podolets, R., Trypolska, G., et al. (2021). The role of bioenergy in Ukraine's climate mitigation policy by 2050
- Economic Analysis and Policy
- Trypolska, G. (2019). Support scheme for electricity output from renewables in Ukraine, starting in 2030
Articles (Web of Scıence)
- Problemele Energetiii Regionale
- Serebrennikov, B., et al. (2023). Comprehensive Management of Electricity Demand Distribution in Time
Medıa publıcatıons
- On the participation of Diachuk О. in COP29 in the delegation from Ukraine. Aftertaste of Ukrainian COP29: modeling in war conditions. Ukrainian energy. 28.12.2024
- On the participation of Diachuk О. in the event of the European Commission "Energy and climate management in Ukraine - on the way to green recovery". Ukraine presented the draft National Plan for Energy and Climate to the EC. Ecopolitics. 25.03.2024
- Podolets R. Decarbonization of energy: will Ukraine fulfill its international obligations? Ukrainian energy. 20.03.2024
- Trypolska G. Homework: Ukraine accelerates the preparation of the NECP. Ukrainian energy. 01.02.2024
- On the participation of Diachuk O. in COP28 delegation from Ukraine. UNDP advocates for low carbon recovery for Ukraine at COP28. UNDP. 21.12.2023.
- Diachuk O. On the implementation of the National Emissions Reduction Plan for large combustion plants and the development of Ukraine's second Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the Paris Agreement. 22.01.2021
- Diachuk O. To change not only the economic models of functioning but also the behavior of people. Hromadske radio. 16.11.2021
- Diachuk O. Ukraine and the climate change: promises instead of achievements? DW Ukrainian. 09.11.2021
- Diachuk O. On politicians speculating on environmental issues. 24 channel. 06.11.2020
- Diachuk O. Environmental issues without a scientific approach provide opportunities for politicians to manipulate. UNIAN. 08.09.2020
- Podolets R. Including the delivery price in gas and coal formulas is world practice. Hlavkom. 26.06.2020
- Diachuk O. 20 strategic steps of the government in the field of energy and climate in 2020. Journal ECOBUSINESS (ecolog-ua.com).04.06.2020
- Podolets R. – Member of the Editorial Board of the special issue of the journal Energy Sources from Agriculture and Rural Areas
- Trypolska H. – Member of the Editorial Board of the special issue Planetary Security, Climate Change, Energy and Sustainable Development
- In the Programs of the Energy Community Secretariat
- Energy Charter Secretariat
- for the government of Ukraine
Analytical materials
- Energy system model TIMES-Ukraine [in Ukrainian]
- UNDP “Supporting Green Recovery in Ukraine” [in Ukrainian]
- Low Carbon Ukraine, april, 2021 [in Ukrainian]
- Ukrainian-Danish Energy Center, 2019 [in Ukrainian]
- 26, Panasa Myrnoho str., Kyiv, 01011
- +38(044) 280-84-65
- podolets@ief.org.ua