Scientific degree – PhD in Economics
The main place of work – State Organization "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine"
Position – senior researcher of the department of energy and climate economics
Directions of research activity
- development of competitive heating market
- development of renewable energy in the conditions of climate change
- sustainable development of rural areas and rural economy
- developmentof decentralized resilient local heating systems
Main scientific interests
- heating market, renewable energy development under climate change
- sustainabledevelopmentofruralareas and development ofrural economy
- state support mechanisms for sustainable development of areas and rural economy
- Natural Resource-Based Socio-Economic System of LocalCommunities: Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change. 2021
- Crop Residue Removal: Assessment of Future Bioenergy Generation Potential and Agro-Environmental Limitations Based on a Case Study of Ukraine. 2020
- Methodical approaches and applied assess ments of inclusive rural development [in Ukrainian]. 2020
- Dynamic Merge of the Global and Local Models for Sustainable Land Use Planning with Regard for Global Projections from GLOBIOM and Local Technical–Economic Feasibility and Resource Constraints. 2017
Personal pages
Personal pages in social networks
Foreign languages skills
- english
Personal interests
- hiking
- football
- fishing
- +38(097) 757-97-77