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Oleksandr Diachuk

Oleksandr Diachuk

Scientific degree – PhD in Engineering

Scientific title – senior researcher

The main place of work – State Organization "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine"

Position – leading research officer of the department of energy and climate economics

Directions of research activity

  • economic, environment (climate), and technological issues in the energy sector
  • integrated (synergistic) development of the economy and energy sectors at local, national, international, and global levels
  • modeling, forecasting, strategic planning, and regulation in energy
  • theoretical and methodological problems in mathematical and computational modeling, forecasting, and systems analysis of socio-economic and energy-ecological systems

Main scientific interests

  • integrated economic, energy, and climate policy
  • carbon pricing and greenhouse gas emissions trading markets
  • low-carbon and climate-neutral economic and energy development (energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, reducing and absorbing greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions, and innovative technological development)


Personal pages

Personal pages in social networks


Membership of professional bodies

Foreign languages skills

  • english
  • russian

Personal interests

  • sports
  • fishing
  • gardening


  • +38(067) 425-92-58