Scientific degree – PhD in Engineering
Scientific title – senior researcher
The main place of work – State Organization "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine"
Position – leading research officer of the department of energy and climate economics
Directions of research activity
- economic, environment (climate), and technological issues in the energy sector
- integrated (synergistic) development of the economy and energy sectors at local, national, international, and global levels
- modeling, forecasting, strategic planning, and regulation in energy
- theoretical and methodological problems in mathematical and computational modeling, forecasting, and systems analysis of socio-economic and energy-ecological systems
Main scientific interests
- integrated economic, energy, and climate policy
- carbon pricing and greenhouse gas emissions trading markets
- low-carbon and climate-neutral economic and energy development (energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, reducing and absorbing greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions, and innovative technological development)
- Clean energy roadmap: from reconstruction to decarbonization in Ukraine. 2023
- Rebuilding Ukraine with a resilient, carbon-neutral energy system. 2023
- What is the future of nuclear power in Ukraine? The role of war, techno-economic drivers, and safety considerations. 2023
- Can Ukraine go ''green'' on the post-war recovery path? 2023
- Kazakhstan: Decarbonisation pathways towards a net zero future by 2060 - the opportunities and challenges ahead. 2023
- Effect of localisation and climate change on operation of data centres in Ukraine towards 2050. 2023
- Post-war economic recovery of Ukraine in the imperatives of low-carbon development. 2022
- Modeling and assessment of the energy transition in the Zhytomyr United Territorial Community [in Ukrainian]. 2021
- Exploring the Long-Term Development of the Ukrainian Energy System. 2021
- The role of bioenergy in Ukraine's climate mitigation policy by 2050. 2021
- Support to the Government of Ukraine on updating its nationally determined contribution (NDC). 2021
- Women and men in the energy sector of Ukraine [in Ukrainian]. 2019
- Biogas projects in Ukraine: prospects, consequences and regulatory policy [in Ukrainian]. 2018
- Limiting Global Warming to Well Below 2 °C: Energy System Modelling and Policy Development (P. 277-295). 2018
- Transition of Ukraine to the Renewable Energy by 2050. 2017
- Ukraine's contribution to the new Global agreement on climate change [in Ukrainian]. 2016
- Analysis of the current status and perspective of implementation of Ukraine international climate change commitments: Kyoto protocol [in Ukrainian]. 2013
- Forecasting and assessment of greenhouse gas emissions with TIMES-Ukraine model [in Ukrainian]. 2013
- Framework for assessing dynamic nuclear energy systems for sustainability. 2013
- Practical use of MARKAL/TIMES models for modeling, forecasting and analysis of energy systems development [in Ukrainian]. 2013
- Strategic planning in the fuel and energy complex based on the "TIMES-Ukraine" model [in Ukrainian]. 2011
Personal pages
Personal pages in social networks
- Identification of viable sustainable development paths using energy system assessment tools, (2023, 2024)
- Strategic Environmental Manager (CCA), (2020)
- European Parliamentary Law, (2017)
- Enhancing Capacity for Low Emission Development Strategies, (2015)
Membership of professional bodies
- Coordination Council of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on issues related to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
- Scientific and Technical Council of the State Institution "Center for the Evaluation of the Activities of Scientific Institutions and Scientific Support for the Development of the Regions of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine"
- Scientific and Technical Council of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine
Foreign languages skills
- english
- russian
Personal interests
- sports
- fishing
- gardening
- +38(067) 425-92-58