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Strategic planning in the fuel and energy complex based on the "TIMES-Ukraine" model

Podolets, R.Z., Diachuk, O.A. (2011). Strategic planning in the fuel and energy complex based on the "TIMES-Ukraine" model. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute for Economics and Forecasting. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

ISBN 978–966–02–5987–4

On the basis of the study and generalization of the world experience in the formation and functioning of strategic planning systems in the fuel and energy complex (FEC) in the scientific report proposes a set of methodological approaches and organizational decisions for the creation of a holistic system of analysis, modeling and forecasting of energy development in Ukraine. Requirements for information, organizational and personnel support of such a system are determined. With the use of economic and mathematical model "Times-Ukraine" complex scientifically substantiated

calculations of the forecast energy balance of Ukraine under the basic energy supply scenario are conducted.

The report is the result of scientific research performed by staff of the Sub-Department of Energy Sector Development and Projections at the Department of Sectoral  Forecasts and Market Conjuncture of the State Organization "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine".