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Integration factors of transformation of the institutional environment and structure of markets of energy...

Podolets, R.Z. (Ed.). (2017). Integration factors of transformation of the institutional environment and structure of markets of energy resources of Ukraine. NA Sciences of Ukraine, SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine". Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

ISBN 978-966-02-8369-5

The monograph is devoted to various urgent issues in the transformation of energy markets and other structural reforms in Ukraine's energy, caused by the revival of integration in Europe. Transformational processes are considered in the context of the implementation of motivational factors in the international sectoral integration, which are formalized into specific institutionalized practices and are intended to lead to the formation of a new effective market model of management. Economic evaluation of sectoral reforms is made using a complex of specialized economic and mathematical models.

For scientists, employees of state governing bodies, teachers of universities, graduate students, students