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Ukraine’s agrobioenergy market of Ukraine

Trypolska, H.S. (2011). Ukraine’s agrobioenergy market of Ukraine. NAS of Ukraine, Institute for Economics and Forecasting. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

ISBN 978–966–02–6077–1

A wide range of issues related to the organizational, economic and institutional aspects of the formation and functioning of the bioenergy market based on the energy potential of Ukraine's agriculture are highlighted. The mechanisms of state regulation of the agro-bioenergy market, which are used in the countries of the world and in Ukraine, are shown, directions for improving the domestic legal framework to ensure more efficient functioning of the bioenergy market are suggested. The issue of existing and expected subsidies for the production of motor biofuel in Ukraine is highlighted; directions and prospects for the development of the agrobioeneretic market for the future are outlined.

The book can be useful for scientists, employees of state management bodies, teachers of higher educational institutions, graduate students, students and readers who are interesting in the issues of efficient consumption of energy resources and strengthening the energy security of the country, as well as people who plan to implement agrobioenergy projects in practice.