Scientific degree – PhD in Economics
Scientific title – senior researcher
The main place of work – State Organization "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine"
Position – head of the department of energy and climate economics
Directions of research activity
- state regulation of energy markets
- market mechanisms of decarbonization and climate policy
- system analysis and energy modeling
- social aspects of energy transformations
- economic and energy statistics
Main scientific interests
- structural and institutional analysis of integrated energy markets; organizational and economic mechanisms of harmonized development of energy and economy
- Effect of localisation and climate change on operation of data centres in Ukraine towards 2050. 2023
- Energia odnawialna na obszarach wiejskich Ukrainy w perspektywie zmian klimatycznych [in Polian]. 2022
- Post-War Economic Recovery of Ukraine in the Imperatives of Low-Carbon Development. 2022
- Economic feasibility of agricultural biogas production by farms in Ukraine. 2022
- Exploring the Long-Term Development of the Ukrainian Energy System. 2021
- The role of bioenergy in Ukraine's climate mitigation policy by 2050. 2021
- Alternative options of the introduction of the 'entry-exit' transport tariff model in Ukraine [in Ukrainian]. 2019
- Biogas projects in Ukraine: prospects, consequences and regulatory policy [in Ukrainian]. 2018
- Limiting Global Warming to Well Below 2 °C: Energy System Modelling and Policy Development (P. 277-295). 2018
- The biofuels market in Ukraine [in Ukrainian]. 2017
- Implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU: economic challenges and new opportunities (P.80-98) [in Ukrainian]. 2016
- Implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU: recommendations based on the experience of Eastern European countries (P. 20-23) [in Ukrainian]. 2015
- Integrated approach to modeling energy system development// Bulletin of the Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine (P. 50-59) [in Ukrainian]. 2015
- Energy Efficiency Policy in Ukraine: Veritas Momentum [in Ukrainian]. 2015
- Target reference points of the National Strategy for Heating Supplies of Settlements of Ukraine [in Ukrainian]. 2014
- Modern problems of economics and entrepreneurship (P.19-26) [in Ukrainian]. 2014
- Features of pricing in international natural gas trade [in Ukrainian]. 2014
- Peculiarities of pricing in international Organizational and economic mechanisms for forming a balance of interests in the energy sector of Ukraine [in Ukrainian]. 2013
- Comprehensive assessment of economic effects of electricity exports to EU countries [in Ukrainian]. 2013
Personal pages
Personal pages in social networks
Foreign languages skills
- english
- +38(044) 280-89-27