Scientific degree – PhD in Economics
The main place of work – State Organization "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine"
Position – researcher at the department of economic history
Directions of research activity
- history of economic thought and economic history of Ukraine
Main scientific interests
- theory and history of property
- institutional transformations of the economy
Monographs, monograph sectıons
- Reconstruction for development: foreign experience and Ukrainian perspectives (P.199-211) [in Ukrainian]. 2023
- Historical determinants of Ukraine's inclusion in the system of international economic relations (P. 58-77, 311-326, 465-481) [in Ukrainian]. 2021
- Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: historical and institutional analysis (P. 325-341, 352-373, 401-411) [in Ukrainian]. 2019
- M. Tugan-Baranovsky: scientist, citizen, state-maker: to the 150th anniversary of birth (P. 181-197) [in Ukrainian]. 2015
- Ukrainian economic opinion on the factors and priorities of economic development (P. 82-125) [in Ukrainian]. 2014
- Evolution of market institutions in Ukraine (Part 1 - p.109-139), (Part 2 - p.7-32, 241-266) [in Ukrainian]. 2012
- Retrospective of market transformations in Ukraine: a modern discourse (P. 181-260) [in Ukrainian]. 2010
Scientific reports
- Restoration and reconstruction of Ukraine’s post-war economy (P.69-89) [in Ukrainian]. 2022
- Competitive programs of property reform: the domestic scientific heritage of the end of the 19th – early 20th cent. [in Ukrainian]. 2023
- The role of migration processes in the post-war revival of Western Europe [in Ukrainian]. 2022
- Institutional aspects of economic development in the works of I.V. Vernadsky [in Ukrainian]. 2021
- Structural and financial risks of land capitalization: lessons of domestic history [in Ukrainian]. 2020
- Structural transformations in Ukraine in the context of the development of international economic relations: historical dimension [in Ukrainian]. 2020
- Structural transformations of the agri-food complex of Ukraine: foreign economic aspect [in Ukrainian]. 2020
Personal pages
Foreign languages skills
- english
- russian
- +38(044) 280-84-07