State and market in economic development and post-war recovery:
Nebrat, V. V. (Ed.). (2024). State and market in economic development and post-war recovery: foreign experience. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, SO “Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
The authors: Nebrat Viktoriia, Suprun Nataliіa, Bodnarchuk Tetiana, Gorditsa Karolina, Gorin Nazar, Didkіvska Lesia, Korniyaka Oleksandr, Kudlasevych Olga, Kurbet Oleksandra, Slyvka Tetiana
Year of publication: 2024
Pages: 416
ISBN 978-617-14-0273-7 (electronic edition)
Language: Ukrainian
Publisher: : State Organization "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine"
Place: Kyiv
DOI 10.15407/978-617-14-0273-7
The book mainly focuses on the evolution of theoretical views and government doctrines determining the nature of the interaction between the state and the private sector in the process of economic development. Although the state has always been the dominant player in this interaction, it is business that is an active agent of change and plays the role of a driver of economic development. It is obvious that the specifics of the forms and consequences of the interaction between the state and the private sector should be understood beyond the context of national economic models formed under the influence of special historical and cultural circumstances.
This book presents a classic discourse on the problem that scientists and government officials have been trying to solve for centuries: what determines the success of a national economic model – the optimal use of the country’s available resources, or effective ways of solving the pressing social problems? And what role should the state and the market play? The relationship and interaction between the latter are considered through a comparative analysis of the Anglo-Saxon, continental, and Scandinavian economic models in a long-term historical retrospective – for more than three centuries.
Special attention is given to the changing roles of government and business in the second half of the 20th century, in particular, during the post-war recovery of national economies, the emergence of the bipolar world model, and post-communist reforms in the CEE countries. The book reveals modern trends in the development of corporatism, welfare state, and tertiary sector.
The authors prove that the main secret of a country’s success is the creation of an effective model of the consolidation of interests and resources of the public and private sectors, which provides an institutional basis for the formation of a welfare state where the socio-economic contradictions are minimized.
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