Challenges and consequences of Ukraine's agro-food specialization in the world economy (fundamental research)
Terms of execution: 01.10.2020 – 31.03.2023
State Registration No. 0120U000231
Supervisor – Dr. Sci (Econom) O. Shubravska
Customer – National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
The object of the study – domestic production and foreign trade in agro-food products and their position in the global economic space.
The purpose of the study
- to reveal the consequences and identify the modern challenges of the global agrofood specialization of Ukraine
- to propose mechanisms for preventing and mitigating its negative manifestations
Research methods
- statistical
- economic-mathematical
- abstract-logical
- monographic
- calculation-analytical
- index
- balance sheet
- system
- structural-functional
- comparative analysis
The main scientific results
- the ability of the domestic agrarian sector to ensure the country's food security and the preservation of export potential during structural restructuring in accordance with environmental requirements due to export diversification has been proven
- the main manifestations and consequences of the global agro-food specialization of Ukraine were revealed
- the impact of innovative processes in agro-food production on the prospects of its development and the formation of areas of specialization in accordance with the needs of long-term sustainability in the period of full-scale post-war recovery of the agricultural sector is characterized
- the challenges and consequences of the implementation of the requirements of the EEC for agricultural production and export of Ukraine are substantiated
- scientific evaluations of the involvement of the agricultural sector of Ukraine in the global economic space were carried out based on the use of the data of the "expenditure-output" table.
Based on the research results, a collective monograph "Challenges and consequences of Ukraine’s agro-food specialization in the world economy" was prepared.