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Challenges and consequences of Ukraine’s agro-food specialization in the world economy

Shubravska, O.V. (Ed.). (2023). Challenges and consequences of Ukraine’s agro-food specialization in the world economy. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, SI “Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine" [in Ukrainian] 

ISBN 978-617-14-0064-1 (electronic edition)

The monograph substantiates the main manifestations of Ukraine's global agro-food specialization, the directions and scope of the influence of the world economy on the development of this country’s  agricultural production and food consumption, and the state of the ecological and social environment, and provides various recommendations for preventing and mitigating the negative consequences of such specialization.

The main challenges and consequences of the global agro-food specialization of Ukraine are revealed, the necessity of adjusting such specialization in the post-war period to ensure compliance with national interests and the development of this country’s agricultural sector with modern world trends are proven, and the impact of innovative processes in agro-food production on the prospects of its development and the emergence of areas of specialization in accordance with the needs of long-term sustainability during the post-war recovery of the agricultural sector is characterized. The authors analyze the challenges and consequences of implementing the requirements of the European Green Course for Ukraine’s agricultural production and exports, and evaluate the involvement of this country’s agricultural sector in the global economic space (based on “input-output" tables). 

Intended for scientists, teachers and students of higher education institutions, employees of ministries and agencies, as well as the general public.


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