Socio-economic factors of labor mobility of Ukraine (applied research)
Terms of execution: IІІ quarter 2020 – ІV quarter 2022
State Registration No. 0119U103987
Supervisor – Dr. Sci (Econom) V. Blyzniuk
Customer – National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Main scientific and theoretical results
- A theoretical-methodological framework for ensuring the mobility of the labor force in the labor market as a system of interacting institutions and institutional subjects, which ensure the relocation of the labor force between separate market segments and statuses of economic activity, influencing labor productivity and effective use of labor force, and therefore the economic restoration of the country
- A model of labor mobility regulation and labor market flexibility has been developed
- The inter-status form of mobility was considered and the directions and intensity of labor flows in the labor market were analyzed
- Probability matrices of transitions of the population of Ukraine between employment, unemployment and economic inactivity were constructed, and the scale, nature and dominant vectors of the flows of Ukrainians between the three main statuses on the labor market were revealed
- The existence of hybrid employment, which has signs of non-standardity in terms of place and form of employment (remote, remote) with the simultaneous provision of social guarantees, has been revealed
- The need to legitimize new forms of employment with the provision of minimum social guarantees has been proven
- The main threats of the war to the national labor market have been determined, with justification of the main areas of employment support
- The loss of labor potential, which is one of the acute humanitarian problems, is analyzed
- A forecast of a decrease in the level of employment in 2022 was made as a result of the economic downturn due to military operations on the territory of Ukraine
- Measures to support employment in accordance with the conditions of the wartime national economy are proposed, which will contribute to increasing the level of GDP and the level of income of the population
Based on the research results, a collective monograph "Labor force mobility in Ukraine: trends and prospects" was prepared.