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Labor force mobility in Ukraine:

Petrova, I.L., Blyzniuk, V.V. (Eds.). (2023). Labor force mobility in Ukraine: trends and prospects. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, SО “Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine" [in Ukrainian] 

ISBN 978-617-14-0183-9 (electronic edition)

The monograph deals with the urgent issues of labor mobility as the main determinant of structural and professional transformations of the labor market, as well as with a decent level and quality of working life and well-being. The author team has created a theoretical and methodological framework for the study of mobility as a system of harmoniously interacting institutions and institutional subjects that ensure the relocation of the workforce between individual market segments and statuses of economic activities and professions, influencing labor productivity and, hence the overall economic growth of a country.

The authors substantiate a series of proposals regarding the further improvement of the state regulation of the labor market, taking into account the military challenges that significantly exacerbate the existing social and economic problems. The study of global integrational processes, the spread of new technologies, digitization and changes in the organization of production, and the strengthening role of innovative and educational factors make it possible to develop a logico-structural model for ensuring labor mobility.

For scientists, state and executive authorities, teachers, graduate students and students of economic specialties.