Assessment of innovative development and structural transformations in the economy of Ukraine (fundamental research)
Terms of execution: 01.10.2020 – 30.03.2023
State Registration No. 0119U103803
Supervisor – Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine I. Yegorov
Customer – National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Main scientific and theoretical results
- the processes of formation and implementation of innovative and scientific and technical policy in the developed countries of the world are defined and analyzed
- the content and meaning of the main criteria for identifying areas of innovative activity and measures of structural changes, the most important indicators of innovative activity, their compliance with international standards, in particular EU standards
- developed and introduced a theoretical and methodological toolkit for assessing the level of innovative development based on the updated OECD methodology
- an in-depth analysis of the state of affairs in the innovative sphere of Ukraine was carried out
- the problems of harmonizing measures of innovation policy and other types of policy, in particular social and industrial policy, are analyzed
- an analysis of the possibilities of the post-war recovery of the scientific, technical and innovative sphere of Ukraine was carried out in order to stimulate the processes of economic development and, in particular, their impact on structural changes in the economy
Based on the research results, a collective monograph "Evaluation of innovative development and structural transformations in Ukraine’s economy" was prepared.