Scientific legacy of Iwan-Sviatoslav Koropetskyj
Nebrat, V. (Ed.). (2024). Scientific legacy of Iwan-Sviatoslav Koropetskyj as a key to understanding the economic history and development prospects of Ukraine: collection of scientific works. SO "Institute for economics and forecasting, NAS of Ukraine". Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
ISBN 978-617-95404-3-1
The thematic collection of scientific works "Scientific legacy of Iwan-Sviatoslav Koropetskyj as a key to understanding the economic history and development prospects of Ukraine" presents the results of modern academic research of the innovative work of the famous scientist-economist, one of the most prominent representatives of the Ukrainian scientific diaspora, foreign member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine I.-S. Koropetskyj. The scientific heritage of the scientist is considered as a theoretical basis for successfully solving the urgent tasks of strengthening the stability of the economy of Ukraine, improving the efficiency of state administration, and strengthening social and economic security.
The author's articles reveal the contribution of Prof. I.-S. Koropetskyi in research and popularization of the heritage of Ukrainian economic thought; analysis of the history of the economy of Ukraine from the standpoint of national economic interests; the general theory of the location of production and capital investments, as well as in the assessment of the spatial efficiency of the Soviet economy; improvement of national accounting methodology; comparative analysis of economic systems; characteristics of the economic model of totalitarianism; disclosure of prerequisites, prospects and threats of market reforms in Ukraine. Current aspects of this problem are highlighted, in particular, issues of spatial and industry specialization, foreign trade policy of the state, formation and transformation of global value chains
For scientists, civil servants, teachers, graduate students and students of economic specialties of higher education institutions, specialists in the field of public administration, representatives of business and public organizations, all those interested.