Bulletin of the Institute
Danylenko, A.I. (Ed.). (2018). Bulletin of the Institute for Economics and Forecasting. NAS of Ukraine, SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine". Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
The main part of the journal consists of articles based on the materials of the round table "Financial and economic potential of successful cooperation between the People's Republic of China and Ukraine in the context of the implementation of the initiative "One Belt, One Road"" with the participation of Chinese scientists from the Institute of World Economy and Politics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The articles present the results of research on this global Chinese initiative, as well as promising directions, forms and methods of Ukraine's participation in it.
Also published are articles on the influence of modern rules of international trade on the customs regulation in the agro-food market and on the informational activities of offices for attracting and supporting investments.