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Bulletin of the Institute

Danylenko, A.I. (Ed.). (2017). Bulletin of the Institute for Economics and Forecasting. NAS of Ukraine, SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine". Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

The 2017 issue of the journal contains articles by the Institute’s young scientists and postgraduate students on the issues within the new paradigm of industrial development and new aspects of the function of state regulation of the economy; revival of the credit mechanism for supporting small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine; hypotheses of the natural level of knowledge intensity of the country's GDP; raw material market supercycles as a factor in the development of the agro-food complex; challenges posed by the corporatization of Ukraine’s agriculture; trends and peculiarities in the activities of transnational corporations; the economic equivalent of the cost assessment of labor losses at the macro level; innovative activities in the services sector; and participation of Ukrainian research institutions in EU programs.