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Bulletin of the Institute

Danylenko, A.I. (Ed.). (2015). Bulletin of the Institute for Economics and Forecasting. NAS of Ukraine, SO "Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine". Kyiv [in Ukrainian].

The articles in the journal’s 2015 issue are devoted to: increasing the effectiveness of the regulation of the cyclical development of the national economy; macrostructural prerequisites for entering the platform of balanced growth; the principles of establishing a new system of state management of economic activities; political cycles in Ukraine’s socio-economic dynamics; methods and models for identifying threatening economic imbalances; conceptual principles of analysis and modeling of global energy transformations; an integrated approach to modeling the development of Ukraine’s energy system; stochastic models of insurance risk assessment; contemporary types and features of the manifestation of "non-linear effects" of monetary policy; institutional limitation of currency policy in the system of reproduction of the transformational economy; the impact of tax havens on inequality; and institutional transformations in the EU.